Yesterday I ran a few errands that included the Barber (Meridian and 160th), Wallyworld and Fred Meyers. Usual uneventful stuff.
This morning I flew down to Vegas for work. I only OC'd to the valet parking and secured the Glock in my baggage. I did find out that the magnetometers do not like my Serpa holster. TSA was hilarious though. When I beeped and turned around, he said the usual "Please remove any metalic objects" and then looked at me closer and said "you might want to remove your" ...awkward pause... "holster". I just smiled and said "Yes, you're probably right".
Anyways, I thought I'd chime in from way south of the sound. They don't like our CPLs down here, so OC is the order for the day. And like many have said; "If you don't have pictures, it didn't happen". I decided to have lunch on the strip and then had to burn some of the calories with a walk in the sunshine before returning to my hotel (Trump Tower) in the background. So here you go! Back home tomorrow:banana:
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