Regular Member
PNSPA v. Sequim notwithstanding, a provision in a contract between Seattle (or any other municipality or similar entity in Washington) and a private entity cannot, as I see it, skirt state preemption in an effort to disallow possession and/or display of a firearm in publicly owned premises. As such, paragraph 7.2 in the Museum contract, and paragraph 2.2 of the Aquarium contract are void as a matter of law.
Re-read the provisions of the contracts. They are requirements by the City for the lessees to disallow lawful carry. They are CITY requirements and, as such, are violative of RCW 9.41.290. As I read it, PNSPA is a very narrow holding limited to sales preclusion.
As always, opinions are just opinions until tested in Court. Who would like to volunteer to be a test case?