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Local Sam's Club 'leave OC firearm in the car' upon entrance?


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2009
Where am I, WA, , USA
I can't believe I AM HERE and so dang long it's been.......

met w/two female managers at local sam's this afternoon...

asked for DM's email/phone number, was told no...call corp! they were informed corp notified.

they informed me prohibition to inform members to take their firearms back to the vehicles has been long standing, i responded the april 2019 corp statement "requested customers..." as well reiterated that is where firearms are stolen by someone watching someone return to their vehicles and then enter the establishment w/o their firearm.

also gave them the 18 page, dtd april 2021, member's terms and conditions along with the commentary the term firearm doesn't appear in the document once.

then the two in almost in unison, stated they are trying to provide a 'safe' environment for customers...i responded studies has shown OC'g in establishment deters bad guys from doing bad things.

I didn't point out they needed signage but the two managers were 'educated' but doubt they will pass the end of course assessment.

PS: just got beat beat about the head stating i needed to finish todays saga...

first, the checker didn't say a word about my OC'd firearm
second, neither manager said a word about the OC'd pistol nor did either one ask me to take my pistol out to my vehicle.
finally, turned and walked into the and shopped for an hour...all the while awaiting johnny law to show up to challenge my carry...
Well everyone this here is the 1ST TIME I been back here for a mighty loooong time yesseree Bob's yer uncle!

We've had OC here since '86. When I came here fresh out of the Service in 75 I met some folks who had a rifle or 2. Everyone had the pretty wood stained cabinets with drawers and shelves. I hadn't acquired my 1st firearm yet. I'm in Warshington state. The wet side. NO GUN signs do NOT CARRY THE WEIGHT OF LAW HERE. The closest Sam's Club is way too far 4 me to travel there plus it's ALL freeway driving. No Thank you everbody! Basically I'm a Hillbilly. Only when I'm heading south do I carry tho there's ammo in there all the time.

I was in a cafe with kin when 3 BGs walked in and stopped IN THEIR TRACKS when they spotted the manager in a crossdraw rig. Looked like a 357. They lit out within less than a minute.

How do I undo the BOLD FONT ???


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
In regards to Walmart, the Home Office statement is a request that patrons not open carry firearms. There is, however, the mentioning on the memo that they will follow local rules/regulations regarding open carry. I have been in Walmarts in Washington, Oregon, & Idaho since that memo went out, & only once was I stopped & asked not to open carry. I calmly explained to the manager that home office has stated to follow state rules/regulations & that (since was in Washington State), open carry is permitted, that was the end of that conversation.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
I'm here in TX (ELP) now on a short trip (from CO). Went to a Walmart yesterday and as per usual, as I know they long ago "requested" no one OC there anymore, took my gun out of its OWB/cross-draw holster and put it into my vest's (leather "biker-vest") outside pocket before going in (gun was upside-down in my pocket with the grip up, so you COULD see (with the "Sig-Sauer 380 Auto" on the mag's base-plate) if you looked there so it wasn't 100% "concealed." But that's how I do it anyway, and no one's noticed yet even standing right next to me be they security, city cops, other citizens, Walmart (or supermarket/restuarant) employees staff or management.
Did my shopping, and when I went out spoke to one of the 2 armed security guards -- one an off-duty (hired by Walmart) EPPD city cop, and the other private security (spoke to the city cop) -- and asked, "Is Walmart still not wanting people to OC in their stores?"
He said as long as it's not visible and took me over to a small sign posted (didn't see it with SO MANY signs on the door!) that said "No open carrying." Don't know if he noticed my empty holster, but I lifted my vest pocket (with the gun in it) and said, "No, it's not visible, it's in here" -- he didn't say anything or even seemed to care.
It's hard though to keep state laws and individual store "requests" straight as I can be in one any of 3 states at a given time (CO, NM and TX).
Still, it's been "So far, so good" keeping out of GFZ trouble, even though I carry in them anyway.
-- C


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
I'm here in TX (ELP) now on a short trip (from CO). Went to a Walmart yesterday and as per usual, as I know they long ago "requested" no one OC there anymore, took my gun out of its OWB/cross-draw holster and put it into my vest's (leather "biker-vest") outside pocket before going in (gun was upside-down in my pocket with the grip up, so you COULD see (with the "Sig-Sauer 380 Auto" on the mag's base-plate) if you looked there so it wasn't 100% "concealed." But that's how I do it anyway, and no one's noticed yet even standing right next to me be they security, city cops, other citizens, Walmart (or supermarket/restuarant) employees staff or management.
Did my shopping, and when I went out spoke to one of the 2 armed security guards -- one an off-duty (hired by Walmart) EPPD city cop, and the other private security (spoke to the city cop) -- and asked, "Is Walmart still not wanting people to OC in their stores?"
He said as long as it's not visible and took me over to a small sign posted (didn't see it with SO MANY signs on the door!) that said "No open carrying." Don't know if he noticed my empty holster, but I lifted my vest pocket (with the gun in it) and said, "No, it's not visible, it's in here" -- he didn't say anything or even seemed to care.
It's hard though to keep state laws and individual store "requests" straight as I can be in one any of 3 states at a given time (CO, NM and TX).
Still, it's been "So far, so good" keeping out of GFZ trouble, even though I carry in them anyway.
-- C
If remember right in Texas, the sign has to be of a specific size & specific wording via 30.06 & 30.07 to be legal.