Doug Huffman
It's not much of a Big Movement that can be sabotaged, disrupted by a follower.
It's not much of a Big Movement that can be sabotaged, disrupted by a follower.
PT111 is from the south where I attributed the etymology of the word even before his post, he doesn't have to be an expert.
You were wrong again. I'm used to it and so should you be.
Come on man - we're all here for the same fight. Internal bickering on OCDO makes baby liberals giggle.
PT111 is from the south where I attributed the etymology of the word even before his post, he doesn't have to be an expert.
You were wrong again. I'm used to it and so should you be.
Definition of ETYMOLOGY as per Webster
: the history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language
: a branch of linguistics concerned with etymologies
Gubmint is not a word. So who then is wrong? You are!
Wrong about what? You making fun of people you think are not up to your standards?
Would that include people who stand in Gubmint food lines? Eaten lunch with many of them. I am not sure of what kind of food lines you mean but my children did get free lunch at shool for a time.
People who get Gubmint cheese? That was some good cheese and wish I had some more. I did eat my share until it ran out.
Gubmint food stamps? I haven't been qualified for food stamps so far but we did get on the WIC program for a while.
Gubmint health care? Do you mean Medicare, medicaide or some other gubmint health care. We are doing our best right now to get my Mother qualified for some kind of gubmint health care to help pay for the nursing home bills of over $4,000 per month.
Gee Spartacus would you treat any of these people to lunch?
How in the heck did this thread about "Stores who infringe upon our rights" get to this point? I don't kow about the rest of you but:
Wrong about what? You making fun of people you think are not up to your standards?
Would that include people who stand in Gubmint food lines?
People who get Gubmint cheese?
Gubmint food stamps?
Gubmint health care?
Gee Spartacus would you treat any of these people to lunch?
Maybe take them to the range one day and teach them something about firearms or firearms safety?
Invite them to an OC event? Oh never mind that one because I am sure they wouldn't have a firearm that meets your standards and besides those are probably the people you would want to invite to your WAVE events instead.
So tell us how is your mission to destroy this movement from the inside out coming along anyway? I mean do you report back to Jeri Bonavia personally or just any of the board members of the Joyce foundation?
I know your going to say it is all a lie right? But the truth is the best way to destroy any organization is from within. keep your friends close and your enemies closer right?
Do some table time and make it look like you want to help, all the while sabotaging the forum and probably doing the same thing at the tables when no one else is around.
I think everyone here is on to you by now. Maybe you should just go work the WAVE tables and focus your efforts there and in the WAVE forum.
I love getting you riled up and then you make posts like this so everyone can see your character.
You really should learn to quit while you are ahead. Of course you've never, ever really been ahead, but still...
(no racial slur or insult meant, just quoting McDonald's, where they serve equally bad food to all)
This makes lunch really fun. I get to read great stories about matters that are important to me, personal experiences are shared, advice is given, received and rejected, and of course all the drama with the differences of opinion! We get all this for free on OCDO and "I'm luv'n it" Don't know about anyone else, but it brings me back almost everyday.....
(no racial slur or insult meant, just quoting McDonald's, where they serve equally bad food to all)
i'm not sure intentionally baiting other members is a sign of any sort of great character, either.