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First bad open carry experience-Central BBQ Memphis TN


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, TN
I meant to post this up this weekend but i had family in town and was pretty busy. I started OCing here and there after joining this site last year. I thought about concealment versus the deterrent OC offers and came to realize OC is the way to go. Anyway, my aunt and uncle were passing through and are big BBQ fans so of course i had to take them to Central BBQ in Memphis. I probably go there 2x per month either for dinner personally or lunch with my company.

Anyway, I was OCing my G17, dressed in jeans and a polo. As i exited the car, i noticed a security guard type guy dressed in all black (no security written anywhere) but OCing a pistol and handcuffs. He also had white earbuds in and was rhythmically bobbing his head to his music (not that it matters but he was rather small in stature with cornrolls, im a lanky guy myself but he looked very unprofessional). I was slightly amused as his situational awareness was obviously rather low. I stood for a moment waiting on my aunt and uncle to get out then nodded as i walked past him. He immediately pulled his headphones off and said something like "put that pistol in your car, you cant come in with that". I politely responded that i eat/carry here frequently and the restaurant is not posted ( i have OCed here about three times as well). He responded that he was in charge and as long as he was there, he made the rules and he said that i could not carry a firearm and furthermore had no need for it while he was around. Once again i reiterated that the establishment was not posted against legal carry of firearms and that i wanted to speak to a manager.

The manager came out and said something like yeah we used to have a sign but we took it down but it's going to go back up. I responded that i eat here regularly and simply wished to have dinner, if not we could go to another BBQ place. He said he wanted to call his GM and stepped away. While he was gone, the security guard flags a car to turn around and go the other way, then starts yelling at the driver of the car to exit the building on the other side, the guy tries to leave anyway and the security guard jumps in front of the vehicle, the guy slams on his brakes then punches it and swerves around him. Unforunately the manager didnt see any of it. Then he comes over to me and starts saying how i better watch my back because he is a bounty hunter and he be lockin people up all da time and he gonna bust me up if i dont follow his rules blah blah blah, gonna handcuff your @ss in a minute" I did reply back to him that i wasnt breaking any laws and attempting to handcuff me would constitute an assault.

Anyway, manager comes back and asks if i have a permit... of course, we spoke a little more and he said ok please come in and enjoy your dinner. The security guard starts yelling "aaaawwwww man, that aint fair, im in charge" then storms off. All in all a rather comical scene. Dinner was fantastic and did not dissapoint. The manager came over several times to check on us and talk about their BBQ rib cooking process.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
i feel like i should write a complaint email but i dont know if i want to stir the OC pot

I don't think you have much to lose, given that Memphis has plenty of other barbeque restaurants. Sometimes you can change an owner's mind permanently, which benefits the rest of us.

Political/Legal issues aside, if you comply and disarm to patronize the place, will that security person be willing to walk you from and back to the parking lot during all visits? I'm guessing the answer would be "No".
Last edited:


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
i feel like i should write a complaint email but i dont know if i want to stir the OC pot

If you do not want to "stir the OC pot" with the BBQ place just ask them for the info on Mt. Bounty Hunter and send a complaint to the licensing bureau. Just describe things as you have here, only adding in the date and time, and if possible the name of the GM you spoke with.

Licensed security officer should not threaten people.

"Mr. Dawg" will soon find out just how in charge he is.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
McKenzie Tennessee, USA
Sounds like this guy has a real problem. I'm sure it's good BBQ, but I have to wonder about a place that would hire such a person for security.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
SNIP...He also had white earbuds in and was rhythmically bobbing his head to his music (not that it matters but he was rather small in stature with cornrolls, im a lanky guy myself but he looked very unprofessional). I was slightly amused as his situational awareness was obviously rather low. SNIP...

the security guard flags a car to turn around and go the other way, then starts yelling at the driver of the car to exit the building on the other side, the guy tries to leave anyway and the security guard jumps in front of the vehicle, the guy slams on his brakes then punches it and swerves around him. Unforunately the manager didnt see any of it. Then he comes over to me and starts saying how i better watch my back because he is a bounty hunter and he be lockin people up all da time and he gonna bust me up if i dont follow his rules blah blah blah, gonna handcuff your @ss in a minute" I did reply back to him that i wasnt breaking any laws and attempting to handcuff me would constitute an assault.

Anyway, manager comes back and asks if i have a permit... of course, we spoke a little more and he said ok please come in and enjoy your dinner. The security guard starts yelling "aaaawwwww man, that aint fair, im in charge" then storms off. All in all a rather comical scene. Dinner was fantastic and did not dissapoint. The manager came over several times to check on us and talk about their BBQ rib cooking process.

Did you have a recorder running? Video+audio > audio only.
I wasn't there, but it sounds like the guy was threatening you, not just being woefully unprofessional. I agree with others here that a call or two may be in order.
As to stirring the OC pot: we've (collective term) come this far already by stirring the pot and its contents. It tastes pretty good now, but can be even more wholesome.:lol:


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2014
Phoenix, AZ
if i dont follow his rules blah blah blah, gonna handcuff your @ss in a minute" I did reply back to him that i wasnt breaking any laws and attempting to handcuff me would constitute an assault.

If I were the manager, and I heard that a security guard was overstepping his boundaries AND doing this to customers, I'd get in touch in the contracting agency ASAP and make him lose his job for acting like a clown. Handcuffing you if not within his scope of duties or responsibilities/covered under his contract is unlawful detention.

Contact management, and have them forward the complaint to the security company. Sounds like management also needs to brief their security on the scope of their duties -what is allowed, what isn't, etc. At least dinner was nice. I (personally) believe this was more of a customer service issue than an open carry/political issue.


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, TN
I told the manager what had transpired while he stepped away and he mentioned that the guard was a direct employee which makes sense as he didnt have any uniform on. He was simply wearing all black head to toe. I wrote central BBQ an email yesterday, we'll what the response is.


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, TN
Response from ownership:

Mr. -

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. The owners are discussing what our official policy will be regarding weapons in the stores. I will get back with you as soon as a decision is reached.

With regards to the security guard in question, as of today (or very soon, depending on the availability to purchase them) the guards will now wear vests to clearly designate them as guards. We will also be addressing his conduct with owner of the security company.

If you have any questions in the mean time, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Blondis
Catering and Shipping Director Central BBQ
(901) 767-4672

i replied back with this:

Thank you for the prompt response. Your locations have permitted legal carry of firearms for many years and it only took one power hungry security guard to make an issue out of nothing. No one else even noticed or gave me a second glance for that matter. At any rate, I highly doubt i can sway you either way since it seems people have a predisposition on matters like this but ill leave you with one thought.....

Do you think that a criminal who is intent on robbing your store or a customer in the parking lot will see a sticker/sign at the front door that says "no firearms" then turn around and leave?

Thank you again and have a great weekend. I hope to continue to patronize your establishments in the future.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...i replied back with this: Do you think that a criminal who is intent on robbing your store or a customer in the parking lot will see a sticker/sign at the front door that says "no firearms" then turn around and leave?
I think a better way to have phrased that was: "Upon seeing a "No Firearms" sticker/sign at your front door, who do you think is more likely to leave, a criminal who is intent on robbing your store or a customer who is offended?"


New member
Oct 16, 2014
Murfreesboro TN, United States
Didn't sound bad it sounded...

Hilarious. I would address the professionalism of their "guard" over the gun issue. The GM is obviously okay with OC. That "security guard" sounds like he is driving business away.


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, TN
You know i never got a response from them. I dont know if they were just letting the issue slide or what. I need to swing by there and see if they posted a sign.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Northwest Kent County, Michigan
I think a better way to have phrased that was: "Upon seeing a "No Firearms" sticker/sign at your front door, who do you think is more likely to leave, a criminal who is intent on robbing your store or a customer who is offended?"

+1 Awesome point. Consider it stolen if ever the need arises.