Regular Member
Too many places to list since my last posting... no stares, screams or visible issues.
Just wanted to say, that quote from Korwin is phenomenal.Nothing new to report, still no issues in and around the area.
Interesting post. You just joined an open carry forum and then proclaim you promote and carry concealed. Lead balloons don't fly. It also appears you don't believe you should exercise your rights in fear of hurting someone's feelings. Go along to get along. And college "students who are rightly fearful of a gun attack" should, in effect, be coddled. Failing to prepare for the real world.I live near Cville and can think of only one reason I'd need to be carrying my pistol in town: the appearance of more white-right nuts such as those who created the mayhem 2 years ago. I mean they might not like my looks or something and decide I need to be run over with a car or beaten by a mob.
I have a concealed carry permit and prefer to carry that way simply to avoid bothering anyone. Cville is jumpy due to the Nazi invasion and who needs the aggravation?
I have a friend in Appomattox who open-carries regularly and reports that he is regularly chastised by civilians in public for showing his weapon openly. It never goes beyond that, as he simply states, this is my right, don't worry about it.
As for UVA... WHY would I want to carry a gun openly there? The obvious result will be consternation on the part of students who are rightly fearful of a gun attack on campus. I think those parading their weapon on campus are simply looking for a confrontation for less than noble purpose.
You entirely misrepresent my thinking. I do not seek to agitate people, true, but I am not opposing open carry just because I carry concealed! I've done both, after all.Interesting post. You just joined an open carry forum and then proclaim you promote and carry concealed. Lead balloons don't fly. It also appears you don't believe you should exercise your rights in fear of hurting someone's feelings. Go along to get along. And college "students who are rightly fearful of a gun attack" should, in effect, be coddled. Failing to prepare for the real world.
I'm curious how others will view your post.
I didn't misrepresent your thinking, because I don't know what you were thinking. I can only interpret your writing and only comment on its projection and my perception it conveyed.You entirely misrepresent my thinking. I do not seek to agitate people, true, but I am not opposing open carry just because I carry concealed! I've done both, after all.
You call it coddling, or fear of hurting feelings, but perhaps I'm simply being considerate! This notion that we should be toting guns everywhere to make a point is, I feel, not helping to bolster the 2nd Amendment, but to agitate people. I do not need to exercise my ego in public.
In the real world, Cville was under attack 2 years ago and the town is on edge. So excuuuuse me if I attempt not to agitate people.
If all such consideration is "going along to get along" then I suppose I should always be as rude as possible about anything political. That sort of attitude is why now in this country we can't even discuss politics, we're hopelessly polarized, and everyone is angry all the time!
Sorry if I offend you, but I do believe in civility and in addressing issues in productive rather than confrontational ways.
If you wish to open carry, by all means do so, and so will I sometimes. I do not advocate that you not, I simply said that I have no need to open carry in Cville. The only purpose of doing it would be to make a political point. I open carry when it is useful to do so.
You entirely misrepresent my thinking.
If you wish to open carry, by all means do so, and so will I sometimes. I do not advocate that you not, I simply said that I have no need to open carry in Cville. The only purpose of doing it would be to make a political point. I open carry when it is useful to do so.
I live near Cville and can think of only one reason I'd need to be carrying my pistol in town: the appearance of more white-right nuts such as those who created the mayhem 2 years ago. I mean they might not like my looks or something and decide I need to be run over with a car or beaten by a mob.
I have a concealed carry permit and prefer to carry that way simply to avoid bothering anyone. Cville is jumpy due to the Nazi invasion and who needs the aggravation?
I have a friend in Appomattox who open-carries regularly and reports that he is regularly chastised by civilians in public for showing his weapon openly. It never goes beyond that, as he simply states, this is my right, don't worry about it.
As for UVA... WHY would I want to carry a gun openly there? The obvious result will be consternation on the part of students who are rightly fearful of a gun attack on campus. I think those parading their weapon on campus are simply looking for a confrontation for less than noble purpose.
I advocate banning neither guns nor cars, so I don't get what you're saying.I didn't misrepresent your thinking, because I don't know what you were thinking. I can only interpret your writing and only comment on its projection and my perception it conveyed.
Cville was an attack 2 years ago with a car. Has Cville banned cars so not to agitate people? I think not. Remember guns fall under a right. Employing cars is a privilege.
Anti-gunners could care less about your feelings. Civility is not in their play book. They only understand confrontational ways.
Who polarized politics? The antis did. You must fight fire with fire. Coddling them only emboldens them.
Lastly, offending me, hardly. Pros have tried and have fell short.
You accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance is your gig, so be it. That position has never served me well.
I agree the TX action was not comparable to the white-rights in Cville. I also agree that cops should not be messing with people if OC is legal there and there person therefore is in conformity with the law.How do we present argumentation and facts when not being seen as a law abiding citizen exercising his 2A within the confines of the law...if campus carry is lawful that is...LG OC is not routine because it is uncomfortable and cumbersome...not because it is a affront to snowflake sensibilities.
As to the Texas LG OC efforts; that was by law the only OC available to Texans and their LG OC was effective now that they can OC a properly holstered handgun...though via a permit. I suspect that LG OC in Texas has been greatly reduced as a result of permit OC. Cops in Texas now infringe upon handgun OCing change in their behavior. In fact, the owners of OCDO were explicit in their exemption to their rule on no LG discussions for Texas LG OC discussions.
Were the "mob" on the UVA campus OCing properly holstered handguns? If not then the 2A is not a component of that situation.
Do not conflate what Texans did with what occurred on the UVA campus...this diminishes the good works that Texans did and is, frankly, a insult to their significant efforts to get all Texans some measure of rights restoration.
ETC: Corrected poor grammar and spelling.