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City of Puyallup in Violation


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2010
Central South Sound
It would appear that Puyallup is in violation of state code and are aware of it. Is someone here working this?


City of Puyallup
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Puyallup Activity Center
Monday, December 14, 2009


Steve Kirkelie, Puyallup Senior Assistant Attorney, attended the meeting to update the board on City parks code 9.20 regarding firearms in City Parks. This city code is in violation of current state law and was recently challenged by an individual at Bradley Lark Park.

Initially, the city’s legal department was recommending that the part of the city code regarding firearms in city parks be deleted. According to Mr. Kirkelie, there is now pending legislation to regulate and clarify the state law regarding firearms in public forums. Consequently, Mr. Kirkelie is recommending no changes in the city code at this time. This issue will be tabled until legislation is resolved.

........and the current rental agreement


(see line 16)

I am not aware of any "pending" legislation, and we're tracking all of it in this legislative session. He appears to be purposefully misinforming the parks board.... what the heck does that mean anyway, " I recommend that we'll continue to break the law, and hope for a change in our favor at some point in the future?) ..and then in this most recent meeting they discussed and acknowledged:

City of Puyallup
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Puyallup Activity Center
Monday, April 12, 2010
5:00 p.m.

Bradley Lake Park Volunteer Security – The police department is cautious about using neighborhood patrols because of the liability. There has not been major vandalism at Bradley Lake Park recently.

Guns in City Parks – Seattle lost their appeal banning guns in city parks.

.........Seems like we should plan on attending the next parks meeting....anyone up?

Board contacts:
Parks, Recreation and Senior Advisory Board

Denise Johnson, Chair
George Duncan, Vice-Chair
Dr. A Singh Dhillon
Gerean Baginski
Mattie Lou Bell
William Hilton
Carol Slead
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2011
yeah.... btw Goose has been talking to the city directly. I sent a few e-mails to some associates I know who are either in the city building or senators residing in the city of Puyallup.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2007
North of Seattle, Washington, USA
Two Questions

First: The attorney alluded to "pending legislation to regulate and clarify the state law regarding firearms in public forums". While there is no apparent legislation pending, is it possible that City Attorneys like this person are aware of something waiting in the wings? Legislation that is being drafted to allow cities add parks and public buildings to the list of prohibited places, and will be introduced at a later session of the Legislature? Or are they just full of crap and misleading as was suggested?

Second: This line was in bold but was standing alone without comment. "Guns in City Parks – Seattle lost their appeal banning guns in city parks." Did Seattle loose the appeal but it wasn't announced in the media? What is the current status of Seattle's appeal to the ruling on their ordinance/rule banning firearms from parks, etc?
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Regular Member
Jul 19, 2010
Central South Sound
First: The attorney alluded to "pending legislation to regulate and clarify the state law regarding firearms in public forums". While there is no apparent legislation pending, is it possible that City Attorneys like this person are aware of something waiting in the wings? Legislation that is being drafted to allow cities add parks and public buildings to the list of prohibited places, and will be introduced at a later session of the Legislature? Or are they just full of crap and misleading as was suggested?

Second: This line was in bold but was standing alone without comment. "Guns in City Parks – Seattle lost their appeal banning guns in city parks." Did Seattle loose the appeal but it wasn't announced in the media? What is the current status of Seattle's appeal to the ruling on their ordinance/rule banning firearms from parks, etc?

First question: Not likely, this was a reference in the minutes made by the attn'y and keeping in mind that this meeting was Dec.2009, there may have been something back then. There is certainly nothing that is current or in the wings that I am aware of. Our current 2011 legislative session is over for any and all bills not clearing the house of origin on the Senate or House floor (voted on) by tomorrow at 5pm. After that, only bills concerning the budget are considered until the end of the session.

Second question: The line bolded was mine from the minutes that I extracted from the link of the April 2011 meeting for clarity (my apologies, as it subtracted not added from that). Although a minor mention of the reference to the Dec 2009 seems to be the connection in both doc's, there is nothing more, alluded to in the minutes. Seattle did lose the state supreme court argument regarding their ability to put limits on guns in parks (cite needed), and much has been made and discussed on this forum about it.

Gooses comments on his current and ongoing communication with CoP are moving forward it appears, and the parks commission is a click or two below the city council, where the decision may ultimately be decided. We can support him in any way appropriately, to letter writing or standing with him at the next meeting if he would like.

I came across this just looking stuff up, and just wanted to get it up in front....like the firestation property policy recently recinded.

The answers that Goose received like "it is not the right time" from these folks in these city positions is just plainly unacceptable.

Goose! Do you have the contact information for these committee members to contact....with this comment noted in the most recent minutes, it seems timely to put a push on.
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MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I would think if they are in direct violation of a state pre-empted law, that they are way past the right time to deal with it

If I tried to live my life that way I would be arrested. What is it that keeps people like this OUT of jail??


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
Motion to Amend State Law

Recall we just recently got Snohomish County to fix thier parks code, and an item the LIBS on the board are fighting back with is this: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/s...mish-Council-seeks-new-State-Gun-Control-Laws

I suspect they’re thinking the same type of motion to amend the law Snohomish is threatening; do away with preemption or modify. But at least the far left in Snohomish had the sense to realize they had to first uphold state law. I hope those anti's in Puyallup remain ignorant, and the state only recognizes their failure to uphold state law, and the rights of its citizens, and slaps their pee-pee for asking such stupidity while in defiance.
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Regular Member
Jul 19, 2010
Central South Sound
Not likely IMHO

Recall we just recently got Snohomish County to fix thier parks code, and an item the LIBS on the board are fighting back with is this: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/s...mish-Council-seeks-new-State-Gun-Control-Laws

I suspect they’re thinking the same type of motion to amend the law Snohomish is threatening; do away with preemption or modify. But at least the far left in Snohomish had the sense to realize they had to first uphold state law. I hope those anti's in Puyallup remain ignorant, and the state only recognizes their failure to uphold state law, and the rights of its citizens, and slaps their pee-pee for asking such stupidity while in defiance.

This (SC) resolution got no traction at all as far as I can tell in this legislative session.

Note that they state "while upholding the rights" and then went on to say kids and families should be able to play without being threatened (already addressed in 9.41.270).....and then

...the last line in the resolution was to simply send a copy of the resolution (Snohomish) to all the state legislators....outside of this, SC did not appear to allocate any additional resources or time to the issue or they seriously do not understand the state legislative process....

I cannot find the voted, signed resolution in the Feb, Mar, April minutes on the website....maybe it's yet to come.

A FOIA request to the County Attn'y or council, should turn up a cc of what exactly they sent, to whom, additional correspondence and what legislation/amendments they requested......(much too late for any action),

Further, by resolution, it is part of the 2011 legislative intent of the Council, so in order for it to be renewed, it will have to be re-introduced in 2012....

....since it appears that they are asking for some specific amendments to the state law on behalf of their constituents, it seems likely that they would not do that without public comment, both on the front end of sending the resolution (to give it any weight to the legislators) and if they did, being involved with the code writers for the changes they are seeking, then bringing it forward for additional public comment and support as part of the process they must follow for local rule making.

After that, it seems to me that they would also have to include communication with whoever they are working on in a report, and since they did not appoint a "committee" to review or pursue it, unless they are going to address this at the coucil level in public, this feels more like political cover than an effort to affect real change.

I am fairly certain that the City of Puyallup is not actively pursuing anything in this legislative cycle and this issue, locally is still at the Parks Committee level.

What was the election cycle again for the SC Council? :)


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
What was the election cycle again for the SC Council? :)

Don't recall seeing anyone on the last ballot, I think the only new addition is Wright, who replaced Cooper when he took a Mayor Job in Edmonds?

Edit to Add: I believe it was Cooper who introduced the motion, with him gone it may have just fizzled out?
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New member
May 3, 2008
, ,
And to think a few years ago i got jacked up by PPD and we had a OC meet right in the city park so when there is just 1 of us its a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat but when there are 20 of us they dont want any contact...... just goes to shows you the mindset of PPD


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2010
Central South Sound
Any update on this Goose?

Just a bump for an update. I came across the City of Puyallup Council meeting for March (I think) on TV last night but came into it late, and watched for a while on a conversation that sounded like it was our issue, but they just kept referring to it as "the Issue"...and never named it for clarification and ultimately the City Lawyer, succeeded to the council to form a commission to study the "issue" and report back to the council....next council meeting appears to me tomorrow April 19th.

Any update on the status?...I can't find anything on the Parks agenda for anything further....


Just Us

Regular Member
Jan 4, 2010
West Fargo, ND
I would like to see a Picnic/BBQ happen in May or June. I'm sure 30 -40 families would show. Hamburgers/Hot Dogs, drinks, salads plus what ever OCers want to bring. A few of us can get together and get the ball rolling, not to mention are media specialist. If LEO shows offer them some food. The few people at city hall or where ever aren't listening maybe this way the might. It's a idea!


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2011
I am up for the BBQ

Unfortunately I am getting no more then Goose. When we(Goose mostly) first took on this issue I talked to some associates of mine and more or less got same response he did. I was told to let some time pass before making it an issue, and the council would be more likely to recieve it at least half@$$ed if it was done after budget. Not to mention the whole AZ thing.... I will get you guys contact INFO on CoP council contacts. I can stroll down their tomorrow and try to get phone #'s and e-mails. I also know a senator(might be a congressmen) who usually can be found not too far away. Perpaps a little nudge will get the CoP going?
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2011
Here is the info...

Mayor Kathy Turner
kturner@ci.puyallup.wa.us <kturner@ci.puyallup.wa.us>
(253) 848-2507

"As your mayor I currently hold coffee meetings the first Thursday of every month from 10-11 and I am in my office every Thursday from 10-4 for meetings without appointments and of course I am available for appointments throughout the week."(sorry just seemed like if anyone was interested... you get free coffee and a chance to make a change.)

Councilmember John Knutsen
(253) 845-2159

Councilmember Nicole Martineau
(253) 304-6796

Deputy Mayor Tami Brouillet
(253) 841-2191

Councilmember Rick Hansen
(253) 848-5971

Councilmember Kent Boyle

Councilmember Don Malloy
(253) 841-3433.

So there ya go ladies and gentlemen... Light em up, and let me know what you get in response. Maybe if enough people squak they will start to listen.
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Just Us

Regular Member
Jan 4, 2010
West Fargo, ND
Here is the info...

Mayor Kathy Turner
kturner@ci.puyallup.wa.us <kturner@ci.puyallup.wa.us>
(253) 848-2507

"As your mayor I currently hold coffee meetings the first Thursday of every month from 10-11 and I am in my office every Thursday from 10-4 for meetings without appointments and of course I am available for appointments throughout the week."(sorry just seemed like if anyone was interested... you get free coffee and a chance to make a change.)

Councilmember John Knutsen

(253) 845-2159

Councilmember Nicole Martineau
(253) 304-6796

Deputy Mayor Tami Brouillet
(253) 841-2191

Councilmember Rick Hansen
(253) 848-5971

Councilmember Kent Boyle

Councilmember Don Malloy
(253) 841-3433.

So there ya go ladies and gentlemen... Light em up, and let me know what you get in response. Maybe if enough people squak they will start to listen.

I live minutes from bradly lake. I'll definitely be writing a letter to them.



Jul 10, 2009
Graham, , USA
Here is a picture of the sign down off of Pioneer I took last year or so. I worked them a little but, as things got busy it went by the way side. I'll start it back up again and see where we don’t get with it.
I did run into an officer down there on that same day though, and while we talked about it nothing derogatory came of it. I also need to revisit Orting, and Buckley. Orting did give promising response, but haven’t changed anything.



Jul 10, 2009
Graham, , USA
"As your mayor I currently hold coffee meetings the first Thursday of every month from 10-11 and I am in my office every Thursday from 10-4 for meetings without appointments and of course I am available for appointments throughout the week.".

I see what I can come up with for trying to make this next month. Looks like the 5th of May. (When we celebrate the sinking of the condiments for some reason....) If anyone has the time or would be interested in joining me, let me know and well set something up and make sure we have all of our information in order.

Just Us

Regular Member
Jan 4, 2010
West Fargo, ND
I'll make a request with my work for may 5th. I'll join you, if you can't make it let me know in the couple days.

Just Us

Regular Member
Jan 4, 2010
West Fargo, ND
Here is a picture of the sign down off of Pioneer I took last year or so. I worked them a little but, as things got busy it went by the way side. I'll start it back up again and see where we don’t get with it.
I did run into an officer down there on that same day though, and while we talked about it nothing derogatory came of it. I also need to revisit Orting, and Buckley. Orting did give promising response, but haven’t changed anything.

View attachment 5731

I was in orting for the parade and the park with my boys. Multiple leo present and no contact from anyone. Though I didn't look at the postings.