Regular Member
It would appear that Puyallup is in violation of state code and are aware of it. Is someone here working this?
City of Puyallup
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Puyallup Activity Center
Monday, December 14, 2009
Steve Kirkelie, Puyallup Senior Assistant Attorney, attended the meeting to update the board on City parks code 9.20 regarding firearms in City Parks. This city code is in violation of current state law and was recently challenged by an individual at Bradley Lark Park.
Initially, the city’s legal department was recommending that the part of the city code regarding firearms in city parks be deleted. According to Mr. Kirkelie, there is now pending legislation to regulate and clarify the state law regarding firearms in public forums. Consequently, Mr. Kirkelie is recommending no changes in the city code at this time. This issue will be tabled until legislation is resolved.
........and the current rental agreement
(see line 16)
I am not aware of any "pending" legislation, and we're tracking all of it in this legislative session. He appears to be purposefully misinforming the parks board.... what the heck does that mean anyway, " I recommend that we'll continue to break the law, and hope for a change in our favor at some point in the future?) ..and then in this most recent meeting they discussed and acknowledged:
City of Puyallup
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Puyallup Activity Center
Monday, April 12, 2010
5:00 p.m.
Bradley Lake Park Volunteer Security – The police department is cautious about using neighborhood patrols because of the liability. There has not been major vandalism at Bradley Lake Park recently.
Guns in City Parks – Seattle lost their appeal banning guns in city parks.
.........Seems like we should plan on attending the next parks meeting....anyone up?
Board contacts:
Parks, Recreation and Senior Advisory Board
Denise Johnson, Chair
George Duncan, Vice-Chair
Dr. A Singh Dhillon
Gerean Baginski
Mattie Lou Bell
William Hilton
Carol Slead
City of Puyallup
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Puyallup Activity Center
Monday, December 14, 2009
Steve Kirkelie, Puyallup Senior Assistant Attorney, attended the meeting to update the board on City parks code 9.20 regarding firearms in City Parks. This city code is in violation of current state law and was recently challenged by an individual at Bradley Lark Park.
Initially, the city’s legal department was recommending that the part of the city code regarding firearms in city parks be deleted. According to Mr. Kirkelie, there is now pending legislation to regulate and clarify the state law regarding firearms in public forums. Consequently, Mr. Kirkelie is recommending no changes in the city code at this time. This issue will be tabled until legislation is resolved.
........and the current rental agreement
(see line 16)
I am not aware of any "pending" legislation, and we're tracking all of it in this legislative session. He appears to be purposefully misinforming the parks board.... what the heck does that mean anyway, " I recommend that we'll continue to break the law, and hope for a change in our favor at some point in the future?) ..and then in this most recent meeting they discussed and acknowledged:
City of Puyallup
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
Puyallup Activity Center
Monday, April 12, 2010
5:00 p.m.
Bradley Lake Park Volunteer Security – The police department is cautious about using neighborhood patrols because of the liability. There has not been major vandalism at Bradley Lake Park recently.
Guns in City Parks – Seattle lost their appeal banning guns in city parks.
.........Seems like we should plan on attending the next parks meeting....anyone up?
Board contacts:
Parks, Recreation and Senior Advisory Board
Denise Johnson, Chair
George Duncan, Vice-Chair
Dr. A Singh Dhillon
Gerean Baginski
Mattie Lou Bell
William Hilton
Carol Slead
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