King 5 article:
Starting this Friday, all Washington residents will be required to wear masks or face coverings inside public places.
OP's King 5 cite quote:
Mike Faulk with the governor's office said...
Spokane County Sheriff's Corporal Mark Gregory reiterated...
WASA isn't going to worry about this subject cuz they are more interested in promoting safe awareness through citizens wearing masks...
so let's critically think the member's Seattle newspeek cite...
1. who is Mike Faulk, with the governor's office [?] how can he can pass judicial advice/judgement on RCW's? The WA AG certainly won't entertain any type of civilian ruling/guidance consideration on legal issues, but a bloke in Gov Inlsee's office can ~ REALLY?
2. So why did the Seattle based newspeek agency seek out a quote from a "Corporal" in a Sheriff's office across the mountains/state to provide a 'reiteration' to the Gov's representative ~ REALLY?
3. Glad the WASA isn't going to worry about masks and guns...what about those nice gaggle of city LEs who just might take exception !
this forum's threads are full of explicit guidance from the august membership to not ask 'legal' advice from the nice LE/SO so why should be start now or why listen to the 'governor's office' for legal advice?
Sorry...REALLY is the only concept that I can come up with from this bogus posting which only a fool would believe!
especially since the cite is only geared towards concealed...not open carry