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Search results

  1. S

    obama-need to see this

    imported post hope this link works http://wearechangecoloradosprings.org/blog/2009/05/international-treaty-gives-foreign-troops-identity-of-american-gun-owners/
  2. S

    taurus pt .22

    imported post anyone have a couple of taurus pt.22 magazines for sale i'd like to have a couple extra for my wife's gun, she's going to take the test for her ccw,and this would save time in reloading.if you live say within 50 miles of owensboro i could pick them up and pay cash. pm me or post.
  3. S

    ky ccw

    imported post can anyone here tell me how many years ksp goes back (checking)before they issue or turn you down for your lic. i'm 60 yrs old,i have lived in ky all my life with the exception of ,time in army, and 2 yrs in florida.no criminal record,i also understand that they check...
  4. S

    offer when buying a new taurus gun

    imported post just bought a new taurus pt 22 taurus, the dealer said he had a something else for us,seems when you buy a ne taurus gun any model,you get a free 1 yr membership in the nra, so we filed out the form and a copy of sales reciept and sent it in same day, but i have a question...
  5. S

    1st post

    imported post first off this is a great board,and i'm glad i found it,now for my question, my wife has a taurus pt22 and i want to get a Serpa holster for her but i cant find one anywhere so far,anyone around ownsboro ky know where i can get one (new or used) thanks