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Recent content by afcarry

  1. afcarry

    KC Side Meet

    Okie Dokey. Its been a bit since our last meet. I know there are a few of us that would like to have a meet over in the Warrensburg / Sedalia area, but that may not be practical - just an idea. Seeing what time of year it is, seems like a good idea to eat food out on a patio if we're staying...
  2. afcarry

    Interesting vid from Reason.tv

  3. afcarry

    "Multiple Long Gun Sales To Be Reported" Coming Soon To A Store Near You!

    Arms Traffiking is the illegal trafficking or smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunition. So if we were doing illegal things....why would we buy all of our guns at a store....? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/07/13/operation_fast_and_furious_designed_to_promote_gun_control
  4. afcarry

    OC in Westport

    So if Steak N' Shake wasn't eventful enough for the OC community, the evening continues...in Westport. Chiang and I had just parked downtown and were walking towards the bar district in search of a coffee joint that was still open. We passed two Fops checking parking tickets when they happened...
  5. afcarry

    Open Carry Regulations

    Hey, here's some trivia for you: The state of Missouri - Per Article1 Section 23 of Missouri State Constitution - uses a very gender specific pronoun when describing the rights of individuals carrying firearms. And I quote: "Section 23. That the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in...
  6. afcarry

    Collective Image

    Before I begin this story, I need to express how difficult the decision to post this was. I hate being "That Guy" who just seems to think his way of thinking is the only valid thought process and that there are no substitute analogies / schools of thought. But the seriousness of the issue at...
  7. afcarry

    Ammo warning

    Just about everybody and their cousin has an AR nowadays, so in case you all are buying some new .223 ammo soon, watch out for this stuff. Quote: 3/1/2011 Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling six (6) lots of its RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® (PP)...
  8. afcarry

    OCDO Shootout

    So whos up for a mass shooting trip on the range on 23 just south of Concordia? The main reason I propose this range is that its an uncontrolled generally outdoor range where we can run, jump and frolic to our hearts desires.
  9. afcarry

    Seasonal Caliber Selection

    At the risk of starting an argument I am going to start a thread about caliber selection since at our last meeting there was a brief discussion on the topic. Unfortunately, I will be going geek with some ballistics as I understand the topic, so comments are always welcome. Hopefully I wont go...
  10. afcarry


    Okay, I know in Colorado, they define "Open Carry" essentially by saying that no part of the clothing may fold over or conceal any part of the weapon. I have seen no such explanation for the state of Missouri, just that the weapon must be in plain sight to the average person. I assume to be on...
  11. afcarry

    Condition 1 at Wal-Mart

    Earlier this morning my family and I went to Warrensburg to our local Wal-Mart for some groceries. Nothing out of the ordinary really happened until we were about to leave. We were grabbing our delicious skim milk when a large elderly man who was walking by seemed to stop dead in his tracks...
  12. afcarry

    Carry in Bars?

    I'm sure this has been discussed before, but here we go again. I was in BD's Mongolian place in Independence (off I-70) on the 10th for an anniversary. Great food. But while I was in line getting my noodles and such a manager walks up to me and asks the first common question: "Are you a...
  13. afcarry

    Warrensburg Meet

    Anybody interested in meeting sometime in the Warrensburg / Sedalia area? I dont have any idea about a location or date, just seeing how many people would be interested first. Up for suggestions.
  14. afcarry


    I will be traveling through your fine never-ending state the end of this month, and I was wondering if you all could possibly hook me up with some summary type knowledge of your laws. I will be driving from border to border along I-70. I can look up state laws, but I would spend a ridiculous...
  15. afcarry


    So it seems there is a thin fine line that open carriers might come close to crossing more frequently than we think. Per wiki Brandishing is "The act of flourishing or waving." Those of us with good sense will never do this in public with our firearms; if we do anything at all its probably...