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State to State of Personal Firearms Shipment


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Hi Everyone,

I need your help and advice on how to legally get three of my firearms shipped from my former state of residence to my current state of residence.

Here is the short version of the problem. When I moved from Las Vegas, NV to Tucson, AZ I left two handguns and one shotgun with a friend for safe keeping until I established my residence here in Tucson. My friend told me that he traveled to Tucson regularly to visit his family. He now has health issues which prevent him from traveling to Tucson to bring my firearms to me. I have to find a method of having my firearms transported to my new residence here in Tucson, AZ.

I was planning on flying back to Las Vegas sometime next month. My initial plan was to arrive Las Vegas and ship my firearms via Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. I contacted Fedex and UPS and asked for their policy on shipment of firearms through their services. Fedex told me that since I am shipping my firearms across state lines I am required by federal law to ship the firearms to a FFL dealer here in Tucson where they will perform the required background check upon arrival when I take receipt of them. That is not a problem for me whatsoever. I'm always willing to follow federal law when it comes to firearms. I've already contacted a FFL dealer here in Tucson and the transfer fee is $25. Not a problem either.

Again, I'll be shipping two handguns and one shotgun. Do any of you have any alternative suggestions aside from shipping my personal firearms to a Tucson FFL dealer here in Tucson? I want to adhere to the law as much as possible since I'm shipping are firearms across state lines.

I look forward to your comments and suggestions!



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
tis the handguns causing transport issues with the common carriers, but as an unlicensed citizen several options are available to you...
1. upon arrival in LV buy one multiple lockable long gun case, e.g., lock ports on each end and two on the sides oh and 4 keyed alike long shanked padlocks, put all three in, lock them, and declare the case as special handling with airline carrier upon arrival for departure. while ammo allowed..don't put it in the long gun box saves issues in the long run.

2. make arrangements in AZ w/ffl [get full details of ffl # etc, including email info], to accept guns from LV ffl and upon arrival take the firearms to FFL pay shipping and you're in business.

3. rent a vehicle and put them in the trunk and drive home...§ 926A Interstate transportation of firearms.

4. found it...
Q: May a nonlicensee ship firearms interstate for his or her use in hunting or other lawful activity?
Yes. A person may ship a firearm to himself or herself in care of another person in the State where he or she intends to hunt or engage in any other lawful activity. The package should be addressed to the owner. Persons other than the owner should not open the package and take possession of the firearm.

Q: May a nonlicensee ship a firearm by common or contract carrier?
A nonlicensee may ship a firearm by a common or contract carrier to a resident of his or her own State or to a licensee in any State. A common or contract carrier must be used to ship a handgun. In addition, Federal law requires that the carrier be notified that the shipment contains a firearm and prohibits common or contract carriers from requiring or causing any label to be placed on any package indicating that it contains a firearm.

[18 U.S.C. 922(a)(2)(A), 922(a) (3), 922(a)(5) and 922(e), 27 CFR 478.31 and 478.30]

this presumes you are not a prohibited citizen and may own firearms...

ps: cheapest is buying case w/4 long shanked keyed alike padlocks...oh ensure to plan to be at aeroport at least 2 hours before departure ...


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
It's legal under federal law to send handguns via common carrier (not USPS) from yourself, to yourself, in another state.

There are only two common carriers that allow firearms. Both UPS and Fedex adopted policies in their official tariff agreements that prohibit this practice (almost identical wording, about a month apart, years ago).

It's legal. There's just no legal way to do it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
nawllll not worth the effort ~ both are dealing in 'years ago' misinformation...


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
tis the handguns causing transport issues with the common carriers, but as an unlicensed citizen several options are available to you...
1. upon arrival in LV buy one multiple lockable long gun case, e.g., lock ports on each end and two on the sides oh and 4 keyed alike long shanked padlocks, put all three in, lock them, and declare the case as special handling with airline carrier upon arrival for departure. while ammo allowed..don't put it in the long gun box saves issues in the long run.

This is one option I have taken into consideration. This is the most convenient way to get my three firearms back home to Tucson.

2. make arrangements in AZ w/ffl [get full details of ffl # etc, including email info], to accept guns from LV ffl and upon arrival take the firearms to FFL pay shipping and you're in business.

This will be the option if all other options fail. My goal is to legally ship my firearms to myself via a FFL dealer.

3. rent a vehicle and put them in the trunk and drive home...§ 926A Interstate transportation of firearms.

This is another option that I'm learning towards. It's also the most convenient (albeit not the most inexpensive!)

4. found it...
Q: May a nonlicensee ship firearms interstate for his or her use in hunting or other lawful activity?
Yes. A person may ship a firearm to himself or herself in care of another person in the State where he or she intends to hunt or engage in any other lawful activity. The package should be addressed to the owner. Persons other than the owner should not open the package and take possession of the firearm.

Q: May a nonlicensee ship a firearm by common or contract carrier?
A nonlicensee may ship a firearm by a common or contract carrier to a resident of his or her own State or to a licensee in any State. A common or contract carrier must be used to ship a handgun. In addition, Federal law requires that the carrier be notified that the shipment contains a firearm and prohibits common or contract carriers from requiring or causing any label to be placed on any package indicating that it contains a firearm.

[18 U.S.C. 922(a)(2)(A), 922(a) (3), 922(a)(5) and 922(e), 27 CFR 478.31 and 478.30]

Thank you for these two options! I will probably be purchasing a long gun case for the three firearms. I'll be shipping a Mossberg 500 shotgun, Glock 19 and a Glock 26. The friend I was staying with here for a few weeks here in Tucson isn't firearm friendly so I couldn't bring my firearms with me. She didn't want firearms in her home!

this presumes you are not a prohibited citizen and may own firearms...

I have worked armed and unarmed security many years while I lived in Las Vegas. I've been approved for all my firearms when they have been purchased from a FFL dealer. This is a non-issue.

ps: cheapest is buying case w/4 long shanked keyed alike padlocks...oh ensure to plan to be at aeroport at least 2 hours before departure ...

Thanks you solus for your suggestions! I'm sure that one of them will work nicely.



New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
It's legal under federal law to send handguns via common carrier (not USPS) from yourself, to yourself, in another state.

There are only two common carriers that allow firearms. Both UPS and Fedex adopted policies in their official tariff agreements that prohibit this practice (almost identical wording, about a month apart, years ago).

It's legal. There's just no legal way to do it.


I discovered this fact that a little too late! Had I known that UPS and Fedex would make me adhere to the letter of the law and have to ship my firearms to a FFL dealer according to their policies I wouldn't have left my firearms in Las Vegas. In hindsight I probably should have brought my firearms with me and store them in storage facility here in Tucson.

Your final comment speaks volumes about the reality of shipping firearms to yourself across state lines. Now I'm that much wiser!

Thank your for your reply!
