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OT: Praise for 4 local Correction Officers


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Since we here on the OC forum often get (falsely) accused of cop bashing, I wanted to take a second and give some explicit praise to 4 apparently outstanding officers:


Corrections Officer Richard Harr assaulted an inmate causing serious injuries without justification. He choked the prisoner (who was on his knees, with his hands against the wall) until he was unconscious and then kicked him in the head.

Four other Corrections Officers witnessed this event and stepped in to pull Corrections Officer Richard Harr off his victim. Yes it took 4 officers to restrain this animal in officer's clothing.

Those four brave officers then broke the dispicable 1* blue wall of silence and assault charges have been filed against former Corrections Officer Richard Harr (he quite his job after this incident).

My hat is off to those four officers. We need more of their kind guarding prisoners, and on the street.

If we had more cops like this on the street, then that scum King County Sheriff's Deputy Matthew Paul (and for google purposes Matt Paul and Mat Paul) would not currently be a police officer imho.

If we had more cops like this on the street, then those who choose to OC would probably have less tense / negative interactions with officers on the street imho.
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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Good post. I agree the good should be commended. Positive reenforcement for good behavior.

I am one of those that get's falsely accused of being a cop hater too. Seems people like to draw this line if you are not in full support you are against. I would love to see the whole system minimized and restructured.


Regular Member
Aug 3, 2010
Perhaps we should start a "Good Cop" thread whereby we document positive encounter with LEOs....?


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Generally speaking, there is no "blue wall of silence" or "thin blue line" mentality in corrections. Visit prisonofficer.org, and you'll see the dirty laundry aired publicly, with calls to fire and prosecute corrupt or criminal staff.

Bad, corrupt, or abusive COs put everyone in the prison in danger, both staff and inmates. There tends to be a lot of staff cohesion, which instantly evaporates when some knucklehead puts his fellow officers in danger.


Regular Member
Oct 17, 2009
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Since we here on the OC forum often get (falsely) accused of cop bashing,
Ah, no. I'd go so far as to say that you here on the OC forum often get rightfully accused of cop bashing.

And, having worked in corrections for a minute (the sheriff wanted everyone to prove themselves in the jail before going on patrol), I can tell you that more often that not, C/Os try to do the right thing. 'Course, I say that about street cops, too, but y'all don't want to believe that.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I can tell you that more often that not, C/Os try to do the right thing.


Except for the ones who are dealing drugs, raping prisoners, assaulting prisoners, stealing from prisoners, etc.

If you're going to make some unfounded claim, you should at least make it something that isn't easily disproved by a simple google search.

So yes, since "a number of" COs do break the law, and do treat prisoners illegally, it is worth congratulating the ones who do the right thing.

Have a great night, and an even better tomorrow ;)
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Corrections officers are no different from the rest of the population - most good, a few bad. Do find the internal housekeeping procedures more frequently utilized to sanction errant officers in corrections then elsewhere in the criminal justice system. Still there are more than enough bad apples - some with considerable years and rank.

The more time in service and the higher the position (think district and regional personnel) the quicker the wagons circled. An officer might well be thrown under the bus, left hanging alone, to protect those responsible for poor management or policy.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2007
North of Seattle, Washington, USA
I can tell you that more often that not, C/Os try to do the right thing. 'Course, I say that about street cops, too, but y'all don't want to believe that.

And then you have an officer like Matt Paul that comes along. His repeated actions kind of make a loud statement that drowns out what you are saying.

When we see "Street Cops" coming out and condemning the actions of those like Matt Paul and the officer shown in the video clip, then more will become believers that cops want to do the right thing. Until then there, unfortunately the majority will be branded by the action of the few.

"What you are shouts so loud in my ears I cannot hear what you say." ~~~~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2010
Central South Sound
Ah, no. I'd go so far as to say that you here on the OC forum often get rightfully accused of cop bashing.

And, having worked in corrections for a minute (the sheriff wanted everyone to prove themselves in the jail before going on patrol), I can tell you that more often that not, C/Os try to do the right thing. 'Course, I say that about street cops, too, but y'all don't want to believe that.

Hey Bo, you know, your right...I watched this video again, http://www.myspace.com/video/vid/54162036

.. along with the other two currently under discussion, I reconsidered the Birk situation along with the Costco tragic accident down south and the subsequent request of the prosecuting attn'y http://www.ktnv.com/story/12865668/...shooting-delayed-indefinitely?redirected=true

The debate you present above and corresponding cites, really made me re-think my position and opinion of the situation with Tom B. here and the PCSD at Starbucks and the subsequent response by thier spokesperson and Hey,...was that a public apology that they made to acknowledge the failure of one mistake borne of poor judgement that I almost heard? That, along with some of the random monkey business down in Vancouver....and that girl in Seattle that took a shot (fist) to the face during a jaywalking confrontation and the other guy that was going to get the "mexican pizz" beat out of him....

...it caused me to really take pause as I reflected on that time when I had an intruder in my house and it took the police 30 minutes to respond after the 911 call and they said that "they wanted whatever was going to happen to happen before they got there", and the time the daughters ex who has me by 20 years and 30 lbs attacked me in the parking lot during a handoff of my grandson and the police wouldn't let me press charges because it "would have been a he said/she said", or the threats that he then made to her in text messages that constituted cyber stalking and they still wouldn't pick him up and refused to look at the evidence (her phone) when presented the opportunity, or the unlawful confinement that he made when he blocked us in on our property in a gated community with his truck and refused to let us leave, all at the same time that my daughter also had a restraining order for violence against him and the police took 45 minutes to show up and then wouldn't arrest him for anything......because they couldn't find it in the system and she was missing one page of 8 pages of the order that she carried around with her in her purse.

.....and I have to say that with your argument, you've really convinced me that the police force does do a really good and honest job of "self" policing themselves in these situations, and are really there for us "honest" law abiding citizens..... I mean, seriously, that's the success stories of all of those IAD investigations, and the stand up Police Union Reps that are willing to stand behind their guys when given the opportunity the "whistleblowers" that "out" those rotten apples, feel free, and are willing to step forward to be "right guys".....After all, it does say "To Protect and Serve" on all those squad cars.

I just don't know what I was thinkin!...I'm headed down to Safeway to buy a couple of thank you cards....
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