Regular Member
Visiting in Houston and feeling naked. It really is a shame that a state that so fiercely claims independence has such draconian gun laws to keep the people in bondage.
Visiting in Houston and feeling naked. It really is a shame that a state that so fiercely claims independence has such draconian gun laws to keep the people in bondage.
What's even worse is that some of them purportedly represent us in the pro-gun community, but are terrified of losing their exclusive insider status and the power that comes with it. Some will happily toss off the train any gun legislation that they didn't write and introduce.This is the result of gun grabbers feely goody politicians and lobbyists taking control of the state capitol, Austin TX.
What's even worse is that some of them purportedly represent us in the pro-gun community, but are terrified of losing their exclusive insider status and the power that comes with it. Some will happily toss off the train any gun legislation that they didn't write and introduce.
We cured that problem in Utah about 20 years ago. It took six years (three elections) to get the message through, but we did it and they still remember it.
We got organized and targeted specific districts and concentrated all of our efforts on one or two districts where we could a) get a good candidate to support and b) knock on every door in the district at least twice during the campaign and talk to people one-on-one about the candidates stand on freedom and the incumbent's record against freedom. Make the argument about freedom, not just guns. When our candidate won an election we held a press conference to make sure that the rest knew exactly why. It only took unseating about six incumbents for them to get the message that if they wanted to stay they better start voting for freedom.
The first ones to target are those who claim to represent gun owners but vote otherwise. Then go after the most rabid anti-gunners next.
Visiting in Houston and feeling naked. It really is a shame that a state that so fiercely claims independence has such draconian gun laws to keep the people in bondage.
Visiting in Houston and feeling naked. It really is a shame that a state that so fiercely claims independence has such draconian gun laws to keep the people in bondage.
This is the result of gun grabbers feely goody politicians and lobbyists taking control of the state capitol, Austin TX. Austin is one little place within the state, and oftentimes what goes on in a state's capitol has little to do with the traditions and desires of the constituency, but rather follows the greased palms in the hallways and parking lots surrounding the legislature.
Oregon, Colorado, Washington State, and dozens more have flakey state capitols loaded with (s)elected officials that really do not represent their people, but follows the wheelbarrows of lobbyist's cash.
Title is misleading. *leaves thread*
Our main problem is that the TSRA nor the NRA will back anyone with an agenda other than their own. Everyone involved in those two organizations is only interested in making legislative "baby steps", and they casting their heads down in shame for daring to advocate for the restoration of our 2nd Amendment rights, and they're proud that they MIGHT get things resolved by 2021. They're worried about signage and the possibility the businesses will put up even more gun-free-zone signs as a result of us getting open-carry. My view is that if the company doesn't want to honor and support MY constitutional rights, they should get the hell out of the state of Texas.