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Minnesota Man Accused of Murdering Teens Who Entered His Home


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2013
United States
"Minnesota Double Murder Trial Shows Importance Of “Shooting To Stop the Threat” Over “Shooting to Kill.”
link;> http://bearingarms.com/minnesota-do...ing-to-stop-the-threat-over-shooting-to-kill/

"Byron Smith, a retired security engineer for the U.S. Department of State, is charged with first-degree premeditated murder in the slayings of cousins Nick Brady, 17, and Haile Kifer, 16, on Thanksgiving Day 2012. The killings rocked the small city of Little Falls.

Prosecutors say Smith was sitting in his basement when he heard a window breaking upstairs. When Brady started walking down the basement stairs, Smith shot him twice.

Then, according to court documents, Smith shot Brady a third time in the face, allegedly telling investigators, “I want him dead.”

"Minnesota Man Accused of Murdering Teens Who Entered His Home."
link;> http://gma.yahoo.com/minnesota-man-...ered-home-131438361--abc-news-topstories.html

"Minutes later, Kifer walked down the same steps, reportedly calling Brady’s name. Smith shot her multiple times, too – telling investigators the last time he fired was “a good clean finishing shot.”

"prosecutors say Smith planned the killings – lying in wait for the two teens in his basement with a book, two guns, energy bars and a bottle of water. The teens weren’t armed."

'You're dying ... b----!' Court hears chilling audio recording of US homeowner shooting two teens."
"Mr Smith killed two teens who entered his home, he matter-of-factly described the shootings in chilling detail, telling authorities he finished off one teen with a shot under her chin because a .22-calibre "doesn't go through bone very well," according to an audio recording of a police interview played in court."

link;> http://www.smh.com.au/world/youre-d...eowner-shooting-two-teens-20140425-zqz3o.html
I'm wondering, just exactly when IS the apparent End of "Eminent threat of personal injury" a factor of deciding to continue or cease the Self Defense offensive approach during an ***Altercation*** ?

Was said Homeowner out numbered, out gunned and/or otherwise unable to properly defend His home or personal well being ? NO.

When the "Perpetrator" is *Incapacitated* and not able/willing to put up a fight, is the Event over ?

I believe that more than likely, the answer will be Yes, hence the term "OverKill" (which was issued to said "Trespassers" by the LAC) is appropriate for determining the outcome of this tragic occurrence of misjudgement by said homeowner.

This guy is screwed. He set this whole thing up.

Moving his car.... lying in wait... shooting way more times then needed with a friggin "kill" shot.... leaves bodies..... moves bodies..... doesn't call the police..... he's a nut.

Says they had "hoods closed around their faces". Doesn't change the fact it was a teenage girl he shot. What was she like 5'2" 110lbs? And you need a kill shot on that?

Can you say death penalty? A good rope since ammo is a bit scarce these days.

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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
This is not a case where a kid when onto the land to get his Frisbee back .... the intruders were not up to any good.

It has always been my viewpoint that if one does not want to get shot then stay off other people's land.

The guy will likely not find another one like me on his jury ... so, yes, he is likely screwed.


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2013
United States
This is not a case where a kid when onto the land to get his Frisbee back .... the intruders were not up to any good.

It has always been my viewpoint that if one does not want to get shot then stay off other people's land.

The guy will likely not find another one like me on his jury ... so, yes, he is likely screwed.

I can get behind that. Stay off others property. And I probably wouldn't even be that upset if they just got shot once and lived. Then good enough live and learn tell your friends. But something like half a dozen shots then a execution style shot after calling her a b****? Really? I guess I'm built different...

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Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
After what the media (and cronies) did with Zimmerman, I'd say this man should be glad of the pigmentation of the two criminals. I thought it was needless to say: If you have to open fire, shoot to STOP the threat.

As a side note, I'm willing to bet this ONE event (as in, exceedingly rare) will be used as a talking point by the antis. Any takers?:lol:


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
After what the media (and cronies) did with Zimmerman, I'd say this man should be glad of the pigmentation of the two criminals. I thought it was needless to say: If you have to open fire, shoot to STOP the threat.

As a side note, I'm willing to bet this ONE event (as in, exceedingly rare) will be used as a talking point by the antis. Any takers?:lol:

Well, I remember that guy in LA who shot the japanese tourist who was lost ...


The defense argued that Mr. Peairs was in large part reacting reasonably to his wife's panic ^^

Blame the wife defense ...

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
"Byron Smith, a retired security engineer for the U.S. Department of State"

I have always wondered after reading this when it first happen what is real job was with the dept. of state.

Flash back to dealing with some really nasty actors around the world? falling back onto previous training?
Last edited:


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, TN
I have really mixed opinions on this.... It does seem like he armed himself and prepared for the potential situation (after his house was broken into several times) but at the same time, they chose to enter his home with nefarious purposes. If the two criminals had never broke in his home, they would never have been killed. I know i would never do anything like that but i am fairly sure he will get convicted. Whether that is right or not, i don't know. Every person has a right especially in their own home to not be disturbed, robbed etc.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis

LITTLE FALLS, Minn. (AP/WCCO) — The Little Falls, Minn. man who shot and killed two teenagers after they broke into his home has been found guilty of all four counts of premeditated murder. After roughly three hours of deliberation, the jury found 65-year-old Byron Smith guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder for the shooting deaths of 18-year-old Haile Kifer and 17-year-old Nick Brady

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
To all you "stop the threat" citizens. Cop, in the LA area, mag dumps on a citizen getting out of his car in his own driveway, yes there is video, which was posted here on OCDO. Cop claims he saw a knife.....yepper, no knife found. Anyway, how many shots are permitted to stop the threat? Is there a different standard for cops vs. citizens?

Anyway, the shooter deserves, and has earned, to be punished as the law allows.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
+1 !

This "Study" which I discovered while searching the subject *Paranoia* could possibly be a part of the issue as well,,, ?!?

Just picking up a gun suddenly make the world appear more violent, research suggests.

link,> ,,, = http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/thinking-tech/study-carrying-a-gun-can-make-you-more-paranoid/

I read this and must reject his "research". I, and all of you, keep my weapon in my holster, not in my hand. Yes, when I do have a gun in my hand (not on the range) I am in a paranoid state. Otherwise it would be in the bloody holster. He self admits he is not a gun owner (and probably does not know much about guns) and has little experiance. Sorry mate, your argument is invalid.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
I can get behind that. Stay off others property. And I probably wouldn't even be that upset if they just got shot once and lived. Then good enough live and learn tell your friends. But something like half a dozen shots then a execution style shot after calling her a b****? Really? I guess I'm built different...

I pretty much agree with you.

I have nearly zero sympathy for the victims, after reading that they were repeat offenders, burglarizing this man's home on several occasions. They clearly "had it coming" insofar as eventually having a face an armed homeowner (what the hell were they thinking anyway? where are the parents in all this? How do kids without the excuse of gang ties learn it's a good idea – forgetting socially acceptable – to invade others' homes? Natural selection at its finest.)

But aggression is aggression, and self-defense is self-defense. This man crossed the line when he executed two injured teens who constituted no continuing threat.