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Milwaukee Officials announce extensive 'security zone' for DNC convention


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
No mention YET of the effect of Wisconsin’s lightly regulated open carry laws and popular CCL. They have had little effect on the Murkee gang bangers and carjackers.

I haven’t visited the Murkee Urinal Guradian in many months, let’s see ...

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Regular Member
Jun 2, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ,
I was at an in-service training session last week that dealt purely with the DNC which we will be providing mutual aid to help cover that area, which is huge. I asked about OC and concealed carry and basically got deer in headlights. One person said they thought carry would be prohibited under the gated event clause in the law. That sounds like a crock to me. How do you legally make a significant portion of a city a gated event?

In other words, get ready to have our rights trampled on. BOHICA!
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