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Guns & Gardens


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Was working on getting backyard pretty for spring and was OC over at Jackson's Lemmon Ave pottery. The nice Mexican guy helping me load up my car was the only one noticed OC. He thanked me for 'las armas' - showed me old scars on both sides of his mouth and back of his head where he was robbed and cut a long time ago by a thug.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Was working on getting backyard pretty for spring and was OC over at Jackson's Lemmon Ave pottery. The nice Mexican guy helping me load up my car was the only one noticed OC. He thanked me for 'las armas' - showed me old scars on both sides of his mouth and back of his head where he was robbed and cut a long time ago by a thug.

Hope he learned is lesson and carries now.