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Dem legislators react to pro-gun citizen


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
So as you might know, four anti-gun bills passed in the Democrat-controlled NH legislature this year. Gov. Sununu already vetoed one of them, and then the President of the Senate (Donna Soucy) and Speaker of the House (Steven Shurtleff) sat on the other three for 39 days.

More than a hundred other bills passed through them during those 39 days to the governor's office and were signed or vetoed, but they waited on their anti-gun bills.

*Boom*... with last weekend's tragedies, they signed off on the remaining gun control bills on Monday morning, while coordinating an anti-gun press conference in the Legislative Office Building.

The LOB is public space. Anyone can come or go or say what they want. This individual just carried in a sign, and two hard-core anti-2A reps worked to block him, and physically assaulted him.

This isn't a new thing for New Hampshire Democrats; one sitting rep (Katherine Rogers) has actually been convicted of assaulting a pro-2A activist (Susan Olsen).



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
KB, tks for sharing...a lot of this type of activity never makes the airwaves or if it does only momentarily locally...

Tis appreciated...