1911s are good guns now doubt, but as my brother and I were just discussing this the other day they are 100 year old technology. Revolutionary for their day, but other firearms such as Glocks have furthered the art.
The main difference that we see aside from the obvious capacity issue (which can be fairly solved with a Para 14) is the grip angle. Some people don't care for the Glock's more extreme angle, myself I fall within that percentage of people that Gaston Glock figured would naturally adapt to such an angle.
Beyond that I think that most factors favor the Glock; loaded carry is safer and there are no extra steps to take (safety) to draw and fire since the gun loaded required a trigger pull to give the striker the energy to fire the round. I've caught edges and been pinched on 1911s and Browning Highpowers a few times, only once have I gotten a small nick in the skin from inadvertently brushing my hand into the front sight while handling a Glock so I think the exterior is more user friendly even if its not cosmetically appealing to some. Simplicity of maintenance is hands down in favor of Glock.
Reliability, I have a Para 14 1911 and a few Glocks, I've had issues with both in relation to type of ammunition used; with the Para I had rounds that didn't seat in the chamber and jammed the action requiring a gun smith to fix (fatal stoppage), with the Glock I have one with a Lone Wolf upper assembly and it requires full power loads to cycle, with Federal etc "FBI loads" it will fail to feed/eject/stovepipe etc about 4/5 rounds - not fatal stoppages but certainly interrupts your ability to place a follow up. Functionally though with good ammo neither gun has malfunctioned on me as of yet.
So if you prefer nostalgia or can't adjust your grip angle to match your line of sight the 1911 might be better for you, but in modern terms I think the Glock better suits a person's needs. Nothing against John Browning, just 100 years of firearms technology advancements. The function of the Glock is so successful that most every major firearms manufacturer has a striker fired version on the market today.