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.327 magnum


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I have long carried a S&W model 60 (bobbed hammer) as my BUG and as a car gun.

Giving serious consideration to replacing that with a .327 magnum snubby revolver.

Happen to have one on hand - fanatstic performance and has not shown any problems through the first 100 rounds.



Active member
Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, Georgia, USA
MY M&P .40 FS won't fit and my G23 barely fits in the semi-hidden holster compartment of my 'urban bag'. I've been considering the same thing since I found out how one would practically disappear when holstered inside.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I own a Baby Vaquero in 32 H&R, not a CC gun but the performance for a .32 is outstanding. When I carry it is loaded with 98 grain wadcutters screaming at 1250fps. The .327 is a high pressure round, and a gun chambered for it will also shoot .32 H&R, .32 S&W long, .32 short, and as .32acp is a semi rimmed cartridge it will also shoot the auto round.

For CC the Ruger LCR is a good option, six shot as opposed to the five shot Charter Arms. Lipseys is again offering the Baby Vaquero seven shot in .327. IIRC Ruger did make a .327 SP101 in four inch that would be good for OC.

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Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA

Walking Wolf, I am not familiar with this cartridge, could you articulate a comparison of this revolver to similar wheel guns.

I have taken an interest in single action revolvers lately but am interested in the prospect of replacing my SIG .380 with something like this.



Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Walking Wolf, I am not familiar with this cartridge, could you articulate a comparison of this revolver to similar wheel guns.

I have taken an interest in single action revolvers lately but am interested in the prospect of replacing my SIG .380 with something like this.


The .327 Federal is an update of the .32 H&R. It is very high pressure where the prior cartridge was intentionally under loaded to safely operate in less hardened of some inexpensive revolvers. The H&R is capable of hot loads of magnum pressure in well built firearms. The .327 is like the .357, it's intended longer case keeps it from clambering in weaker guns. Unless you handload IMO you should find a .327 Federal magnum gun, it will give you more options.

As far as SA Ruger is about the only affordable option, the Baby Vaquero is listed at $652 MSRP. The SP101 has a $769 MSRP. Freedom Arms does make a SA .327 MSRP is $2309 though. The LCR .327 for CC has a $669 MSRP.

As far as kinetic energy the .327 is on the same level as the 38 spl +P+, it allows an extra shot in J frame size revolver. Draw back is it is extremely loud, without ear protection expect prolonged ear ringing. IMO 32 H&R handloaded is a better option. Shorter cases mean less powder, less muzzle flash, though hot loaded they are still loud. Though both are not any louder than a .357 magnum.
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Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Thank You

The .327 Federal is an update of the .32 H&R. It is very high pressure where the prior cartridge was intentionally under loaded to safely operate in less hardened of some inexpensive revolvers. The H&R is capable of hot loads of magnum pressure in well built firearms. The .327 is like the .357, it's intended longer case keeps it from clambering in weaker guns. Unless you handload IMO you should find a .327 Federal magnum gun, it will give you more options.

As far as SA Ruger is about the only affordable option, the Baby Vaquero is listed at $652 MSRP. The SP101 has a $769 MSRP. Freedom Arms does make a SA .327 MSRP is $2309 though. The LCR .327 for CC has a $669 MSRP.

As far as kinetic energy the .327 is on the same level as the 38 spl +P+, it allows an extra shot in J frame size revolver. Draw back is it is extremely loud, without ear protection expect prolonged ear ringing. IMO 32 H&R handloaded is a better option. Shorter cases mean less powder, less muzzle flash, though hot loaded they are still loud. Though both are not any louder than a .357 magnum.

Thank You for your insight and time on this. I appreciate the explanations.

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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
My daughter hated shooting my S&W steel frame 38S snubby. She loves her S&W ultralight hammerless 32 H&R mag. Go figure. When .327 was introduced I considered buying a Ruger. But, I could not convince myself to buy one.


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
, ,
Bought a Taurus.327 magnum from Skidmark…,

when he was going through Fairy Tale # 1 some years back, mostly to help him out, and sorta cause my wife had expressed some interest in .327 magnum. Long story short, while it's a really nice pocket gun, it nearly sprained my wrist when I shot it, believe me, I wasn't "limp wristing" when I shot it, it kicked like a mule, and I can't stand to practice with it long enough to be able to hit anything with it more than 15 ft. out. The concussion was so bad I felt like I'd been hit in the face with a fist, loosened my sinuses a bit. It was louder than my S&W .357 magnum!

Skid left me some extra ammo when he passed, and I'm not sure I could survive the extent, but I see where Henry is going to be making a .327 magnum rifle, so there's still hope that I'll be able to use that ammo. Gotta save up some money though!!!


we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Philippians 1:3


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
when he was going through Fairy Tale # 1 some years back, mostly to help him out, and sorta cause my wife had expressed some interest in .327 magnum. Long story short, while it's a really nice pocket gun, it nearly sprained my wrist when I shot it, believe me, I wasn't "limp wristing" when I shot it, it kicked like a mule, and I can't stand to practice with it long enough to be able to hit anything with it more than 15 ft. out. The concussion was so bad I felt like I'd been hit in the face with a fist, loosened my sinuses a bit. It was louder than my S&W .357 magnum!

Skid left me some extra ammo when he passed, and I'm not sure I could survive the extent, but I see where Henry is going to be making a .327 magnum rifle, so there's still hope that I'll be able to use that ammo. Gotta save up some money though!!!


we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Philippians 1:3
A .327 manum rifle would be well received I think and lever action no less.


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
, ,

A .327 manum rifle would be well received I think and lever action no less.

that's a rifle I'm really looking forward to buying.


we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Philippians 1:3


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
that's a rifle I'm really looking forward to buying.


we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Philippians 1:3

Chuck Connor woulld approve.

Guess we are getting off topic a bit too much.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
I know this is anecro post... BUT I love .327 magnum

I recently purchased a Patriot Target .327magnum, 4" bbl., Charter Arms no less.
While I'm no brand snob I've never considered a Charter Arms ever.
The Patriot will not rival the "FINEST" revolvers, however it is well made.

The recoil is more than one would expect from 38spl it is by no means close to .357mag from a similar sized revolver. (Think J frame with 4" bbl and 6 rounds).
With all the brands tested (Speer, Buffalo Bore, Federal, American Eagle) the revolver was more than accurate for my needs, < 3" groups on avg @ 25yrds.

The .327 is no longer listed on "CA" website, which is a shame, cause this is a fine revolver.

I contacted "CA" to purchase a DAO hammer and they notified me that Charter Arms would install the new hammer free under warranty and all it would cost is the price of the parts.

For those that like a revolver and want more than 38spl but can't handle .357magnum take a look a 327magnum it might be the ticket especially from a 4" bbl. The heavier Ruger SP101 might help recoil management even more.

Sadly, ammo isn't common at local gun shops or walmart. Luckily Buffalo Bore and Double Tap each have at least 2 loads in .327 magnum, iirc.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Sadly, ammo isn't common at local gun shops or walmart. Luckily Buffalo Bore and Double Tap each have at least 2 loads in .327 magnum, iirc.

Okay, Marco just answered the question I was going to ask.
I also like Grapeshot's idea of a rifle to go with that handgun. It just makes sense to have the same ammo in both guns.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I recently purchased a Patriot Target .327magnum, 4" bbl., Charter Arms no less.
While I'm no brand snob I've never considered a Charter Arms ever.
The Patriot will not rival the "FINEST" revolvers, however it is well made.

The recoil is more than one would expect from 38spl it is by no means close to .357mag from a similar sized revolver. (Think J frame with 4" bbl and 6 rounds).
With all the brands tested (Speer, Buffalo Bore, Federal, American Eagle) the revolver was more than accurate for my needs, < 3" groups on avg @ 25yrds.

The .327 is no longer listed on "CA" website, which is a shame, cause this is a fine revolver.

I contacted "CA" to purchase a DAO hammer and they notified me that Charter Arms would install the new hammer free under warranty and all it would cost is the price of the parts.

For those that like a revolver and want more than 38spl but can't handle .357magnum take a look a 327magnum it might be the ticket especially from a 4" bbl. The heavier Ruger SP101 might help recoil management even more.

Sadly, ammo isn't common at local gun shops or walmart. Luckily Buffalo Bore and Double Tap each have at least 2 loads in .327 magnum, iirc.

CA downgraded the 327 model to 32 H&R, they experienced problems. I would not shoot 327 in one, buy maybe carry would be OK. Customers are experiencing problems with the Ruger Single Seven in 327. The cylinder ratchet is peening the recoil plate, and they are showing excessive end shake from a steady diet of 327. Even the mighty Smith model 29 starts suffering from timing issues from the extended use of silhouette shooters handloads 40K. Smith also dropped their J Frame chambered in 327. For reference 357 SAAMI is 35K, 327 SAAMI is 45K. 5.56 NATO is 55K, get the picture. It is the reason I have absolutely no interest in a 327, I am more than happy with my Ruger Baby Vaquero in 32HRM.

I don't think I mentioned the problems arising from the 327 in earlier posts, only recently has a couple gunsmiths made me aware of the problem using a rifle cartridge in a pistol.
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Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
Thanks for the info on .327mag and Charter Arms.. we'll see how it holds up. Luckily Charter Arms has a lifetime warranty.

If .327mag or the Patriot is a bust I'll just use it to teach younger/novice shooters, with lite loads (I reload .32long, a hold over from my CAS days).
Anyone recall the 22lr shortages during the last panic.

I love the the idea of having a rifle chambered in the same caliber as my handgun and even have some that use the same magazine..

If the .327 is fabulous I'll be looking for another handgun and a long gun....


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Anyone recall the 22lr shortages during the last panic.

I love the the idea of having a rifle chambered in the same caliber as my handgun and even have some that use the same magazine..

If the .327 is fabulous I'll be looking for another handgun and a long gun....

Some would say the .22 ammo shortage has never ended.

The .327 magnum handguns need to be improved IMHO to better withstand regular shooting with the hot loads. Manufactures did a good job with the .357 magnum. There is no reason to not expect/demand the same with the .327.