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Search results

  1. fire suppressor

    Kitsap County Open Carry Report

    Hello all, I hope no one minds me resurrecting this thread. While I joined in 2008 I have been absent for the last few years as I have moved in and out of state and been busy with everything life has to throw at me. I've logged back into the forum for the first time in a long time to try and...
  2. fire suppressor

    Kitsap county fair, OC friendly?

    If I got my dates correct the Kitsap county fair runs though this weekend. I have not been in many years way before I was able to carry a gun. I have those days off this week and was thinking about stopping by and attending the John Michal Montgomery concert. I do not know who owns the land and...
  3. fire suppressor

    I'm back

    Hello everyone if you have been thinking it has been a while since you last saw or heard from me you would be correct. A new job with more responsibilities and a new motorcycle (2007 Suzuki Boulevard c90t 1500!) has kept me busy. I have not had much time to get out and open carry, get on the...
  4. fire suppressor

    Libary carry?

    This is more curiosity than anything but has anyone had any experience good or bad while carrying in your local libraries? This past summer local news (king 5 or Kiro 7) pushed the issue when there was not one to begin with over it being legal to carry in a public library. I understand the law I...
  5. fire suppressor

    Considering a move to Texas

    Hello everyone I am considering a move to Texas and wanted to know what to expect as far as gun laws and culture. I have family in Texas and I have visited a few times but I do not know much about your laws. If I understand right open carry is illegal and printing as well? In Washington state...
  6. fire suppressor

    357 Sig Ballistics needed

    It looks like with a simple barrel change I can change my XD 40 into a 357 Sig. I am still doing my research but it looks like I am even able to use the same magazines. As we all know two guns is better than one I am considering the investment of a new barrel. Not knowing anything about the 357...
  7. fire suppressor

    King5 shares current CPL rate by county

    I found this on king 5 it looks like it is only a few days old. King 5 shares statistics on the most and least populated countys by CPL. They actually do state that open carry is legal and you only need a CPL to conceal but the news story still irritated me. I feel like the news is continuing...
  8. fire suppressor

    Kent/ Convington OC first time

    I had a great day yesterday I got out and open carried in a part of the state I never have before. I started the day on my motorcycle and rove out to Gig Harbor and made a stop at the good to go office to get a few stickers. I held out as long as I could but when you do the math their pass is...
  9. fire suppressor

    My weekend of OC in Wenatchee

    So this is about a week late but last week on my weekend I went over to Wenatchee I love the plains and the environment over there. I do not know the area very well but I opened carried around the general Wenatchee area without any problems at all. And I think I found the solution to open carry...
  10. fire suppressor

    OC while on motorcycle

    I am very happy to announce that I have finally fulfilled a dream of mine I have had for about the last 5-7 years and got my motorcycle endorsement! I hope to be riding soon but this now adds another dynamic to carrying on a motor vehicle. I do not have any specific question in mind but I am...
  11. fire suppressor

    Moving back home

    Hello everyone if you have noticed I have not been on much the last few weeks. As many of you know I moved to Michigan from the Seattle area for a relationship. That relationship has now ended suddenly. As much as I do like the state and the Traverse City area I have not been able to find a job...
  12. fire suppressor

    Coming home

    I guess some things and some relationships are not meant to last. After a six month absence it looks like I will be returning back home to Washington specifically the Kitsap/ King county area somewhere near the end of this month. I have not been gone too long but I also have not done the best...
  13. fire suppressor

    TC Mall gun policy?

    On my last trip to the Traverse City mall I looked all over and could not find any no firearms signs. Is there any weapons policy at the mall or is it a free to carry gun zone?
  14. fire suppressor

    Grand Traverse County Open Carry Report

    This new thread is designed as a place for people in Grand Traverse County to share their open carry experiences. This is a thread idea I am copying from Washington State OCDO and personally I always found it encouraging to read others peoples open carry experiences from people in my area. It is...
  15. fire suppressor

    Just got my Michigan CPL

    After four months of hard work and close to $300 dollars in miscellaneous fees as of today I am the new proud owner of a Michigan state CPL! I had my gun board last week and it was no big deal. I was in and out in about 20 minutes. There was a brief discussion from one person on the board who...
  16. fire suppressor

    Do CPL laws apply to Kimber's pepper blaster "gun"?

    http://www.pepperblaster.com I have been looking at theses things or a few years now and still I am asking myself dose the state CPL laws apply to this new "gun" from Kimber? We all know it is not a gun but it dose resemble one in appearance. Kimber is now making holsters for it for EDC making...
  17. fire suppressor

    Should I renew my NRA memebership?

    I have about six months left on my two year NRA membership and I need some help knowing if should renew my membership or not. I use to be a dedicated true NRA fan but now I am not so sure. Over the past few years I have experienced increasing arrogance and attitude from the NRA, but I am not...
  18. fire suppressor

    I need to mail my gun

    After talking to Springfield about a problem my XD has been having with it's ability to accept magazines they asked me to FED EX it to them for troubleshooting and repair. The company sent me a pre paid label and then it hit me. I thought you where not allowed to mail firearms without being a...
  19. fire suppressor

    XD detailed cleaning?

    I have had my Springfield XD 40 for five years now and have put approx 3,000 rounds through it. I always keep it clean and I have still never had any issues with it. However recently I have noticed it having a problem seating magazines. Theses are the same magazines I have always used and a few...
  20. fire suppressor

    Open carry support sign at MC Sports

    I always try and make a special note to businesses who support our right to open carry. I saw this sign today while walking into MC Sports in Traverse City and thought I would make mention of it