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Search results

  1. C

    assault weapons ban introduced in legislature

    http://www.leg.state.vt.us/database/status/summary.cfm?Bill=S%2E0032&Session=2014 We can't let this happen, we can't go the way NY did.
  2. C

    Burlington council wants to ban semi-auto guns

    http://www.wcax.com/story/20429921/should-burlington-ban-semi-automatic-weapons No surprise here with Burlington going after guns yet again.
  3. C

    Rutland City fines man for firing warning shot at thugs

    http://rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100904/NEWS01/709049899/&frompost=1 I think this is a very bad precedent, regardless of what anyone thinks of Trapeni's actions. It must be defeated.
  4. C

    legislature considers banning carry in national parks and appalachian trail

    imported post http://www.bangordailynews.com/detail/136137.html
  5. C

    Essex parents push for stricter gun laws

    imported post http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20090918/NEWS02/909180310/1007/Essex-parents-push-for-stricter-gun-laws The parents' website contains links to such groups as the Brady Campaign. The comments on the article were largely against the idea. The parents are quite...
  6. C

    young man in camo with slung airsoft rifle arrested

    imported post http://www.azfamily.com/video/index.html?nvid=388316 I saw this on another board and figured I'd post it here. I was a bit surprised to see something likethis happen in AZ.
  7. C

    "We're not looking for a fight.That will come later, when we have an army"

    imported post http://www.al.com/birminghamnews/stories/index.ssf?/base/news/1237709752152800.xml&coll=2
  8. C

    police report: Ron Paul/Chuck Baldwin/Barr supporters "right wing extremists" and "te

    imported post http://www.infowars.com/secret-state-police-report-ron-paul-bob-barr-chuck-baldwin-libertarians-are-terrorists/ Read through that report (click on the images). The direction things are going in this country are absolutely not good for freedom, our gun rights and other rights...
  9. C

    CT man arrested in MA for firearms while travelling to Maine

    imported post I looked to see if this had been posted already but didn't see it... http://arctichomesteader.blogspot.com/2009/03/ct-man-wrongly-jailed-by-fascist-ma.html
  10. C

    AWB statement back at change.gov

    imported post Reworded slightly but the same garbage attacking our rights. From change.gov under urban policy:
  11. C

    The danger we face

    imported post Disagree with me if you wish, call me a conspiracy theorist on some statements too if you desire, call me going overboard, but we are headed into a very dark time as far as our rights are concerned. I hope it's an overstatement and wrong, but I know a man who grew up in Germany...
  12. C

    open carry in Rutland City

    imported post Well I'm usually a lurker here and not a poster, but this is something I think should be known: I was open carrying today in Rutland City this morning, just on a walk to my community garden plot. On the way there, a police cruiser pulls up, and two police approach me. They...