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Search results

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    No charges in shoot-the-burglar case

    imported post No charges in shoot-the-burglar case By CHRISSI COILE ccoile@ktbs.com http://www.ktbs.com/news/local/3342811.html Police have filed no charges against a business owner shot and killed a suspected burglar late Wednesday night after a burglar alarm alerted him to trouble in his...
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    Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder

    imported post Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder Police Looking For 2 Other Men http://www.ksat.com/news/9490275/detail.html POSTED: 6:54 am CDT July 10, 2006UPDATED: 8:45 am CDT July 10, 2006SAN ANTONIO -- A homeowner fatally wounded a man who tried to break into a home...
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    Odessa homeowner shoots man in auto burglary

    imported post 07/13/2006 Odessa homeowner shoots man in auto burglary | http://www.mywesttexas.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=16916327&BRD=2288&PAG=461&dept_id=475626&rfi=6 Stephanie Miller Staff Writer Midland Reporter-Telegram From Staff Reports ODESSA -- An Odessa homeowner shot one...
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    Police: Home Owner Shoots Robber

    imported post BROWNSVILLE http://www.team4news.com/Global/story.asp?S=5143605&nav=0w0v Police: Home Owner Shoots Robber July 12, 2006 04:01 PM Reported by Jennifer Cavazos A Brownsville man woke up this morning having to protect his home from a potential robber. What a crazy morning...
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    Senate votes to bar emergency gun confiscation

    imported post Senate votes to bar emergency gun confiscation http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060714/pl_nm/congress_guns_dc Thu Jul 13, 8:10 PM ET The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to prohibit the confiscation of legally owned guns during an emergency like last year's Hurricane Katrina...
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    Day four at the UN gun ban conference

    imported post Day four at the UN gun ban conference By Cam Edwards http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/CamEdwards/2006/06/30/203225.html Jun 30, 2006 It seems to be getting quiet at the United Nations. Oh, the delegates are still speaking, but on Thursday much of the discussion moved...
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    Day three at the UN gun ban conference

    imported post Day three at the UN gun ban conference By Cam Edwards Jun 29, 2006 http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/CamEdwards/2006/06/29/203055.html Hearing Angola and Cambodia detail their plans for rounding up all the guns owned by civilians is kind of like hearing that the Dixie...
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    Chicago burglar shot to death with his own gun

    imported post http://www.wqad.com/Global/story.asp?S=5094093&nav=1sW7 Chicago burglar shot to death with his own gun CHICAGO Chicago police say an alleged burglar on the city's Southwest Side has been shot to death with his own gun. Police say the man -- who was armed with a shotgun -- was...
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    New Jersey---Tightening gun control on agenda

    imported post http://www.nj.com/news/jjournal/index.ssf?/base/news-2/1151482268106480.xml&coll=3 Tightening gun control on agenda Wednesday, June 28, 2006 By EARL MORGAN JOURNAL STAFF WRITER Guns will be on the minds, and on the agenda, at tonight's Jersey City City Council...
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    imported post http://cbs5.com/localwire/localfsnews/bcn/2006/06/27/n/HeadlineNews/FOILED-ROBBERY/resources_bcn_html GUN-CARRYING MAN FOILS TENDERLOIN ROBBERY 06/27/06 5:15 PDT SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) Police are searching for a would-be victim who fought back against three armed robbers with...
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    Day two at the gun ban conference

    imported post http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/CamEdwards/2006/06/28/202908.html Day two at the gun ban conference Jun 28, 2006 by Cam Edwards ( bio | archive | contact ) A remarkable thing happened at the United Nations yesterday. We, the United States, told the world “no”...
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    Day one of the UN gun ban summit

    imported post http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/CamEdwards/2006/06/27/202729.html Day one of the UN gun ban summit Jun 27, 2006 by Cam Edwards ( bio | archive | contact ) They’ve gathered in New York City, the best and brightest minds in the global gun ban movement. Oh, they...
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    Help with a .22LR for a newbie

    imported post Hi all, new to guns and shooting, but already addicted ;) I'm trying to decide between two .22LRs and would like some advice. In the future, we may become interested in shooting on a league (I'm not sure if that's competitive shooting or not), so we'd like to buy a gun with...
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    Kansans plan for new gun permits

    imported post http://www.kansas.com/mld/kansas/news/local/crime_courts/14895395.htm Kansans plan for new gun permits BY STEVE PAINTER The Wichita Eagle TOPEKA - Don Holman is bracing for an onslaught of business. Come July 1, Kansans can apply for permits to carry concealed handguns...
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    Driver wrestles gun from carjacker, suspect killed

    imported post Driver wrestles gun from carjacker, suspect killed LAST UPDATE: 6/26/2006 10:29:03 AM CAMBRIDGE, Ohio (AP) - Authorities in eastern Ohio say a suspected carjacker is dead, shot and killed by the motorist whose vehicle he was trying to steal. Guernsey County Sheriff Mike...
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    Shooting Ranges in Alaska

    imported post Found the list at: http://www.nrahq.org/shootingrange/findlocal.asp?State=AK Ranges in AlaskaReturn to Search formAnchorage - Rabbit Creek Rifle Range, 333 Raspberry Rd, Anchorage, AK 99518. Phone: 907-279-2187 Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol, Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Trap...