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Search results

  1. R

    Utah Valley Friends of NRA Annual Fundraising Banquet

    The Utah Valley Friends of NRA Annual Fundraising Banquet will be at Utah Valley University Grand Ballroom on April 26, 2014. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. for games, drawing, auctions, food and fun to support the shooting sports. For tickets visit http://utahvalleyfnra.org All tickets must be...
  2. R

    Visiting New Orleans

    I'm going to be visiting next month for a work conference and am just looking for some insights. I normally OC 99% of the time and only casually conceal when weather requires it. I do have a Utah CFP which is recognized by Louisiana. I'll be staying in the central business district and am...
  3. R

    Passing through

    Hi, I am a Utah resident and hold both Utah and Arizona concealed permits. I will be passing through Oklahoma next week helping my daughter's family move from Texas to Nebraska. We will be staying overnight in Oklahoma City. While at home in Utah and visiting family in Idaho, I regularly open...
  4. R

    Has anything changed

    I haven't been following what has been going on in Nebraska for a couple of years because my daughter and her family moved to Texas, but they are moving back to Nebraska next month. I'll be making the trip to help them move and want to make sure I don't get myself in trouble. Have there been...
  5. R


    It looks like my daughter and her family will be moving to LaCrosse this summer, so I will be spending some time there. Even though I do have both Utah and Arizona concealed permits, I normally open carry locked and loaded. Can anyone give me any insights into how OC friendly LaCrosse and...
  6. R

    HB 192 - Enhanced carry permit

    Is anyone following this bill in the Idaho legislature? According to the legislature web site, it passed the House unanimously, but has been stalled since March 1st. Is it going anywhere? I am hoping the maybe they are hammering out a change to the idiotic requirement on page 8 lines 8-16 where...
  7. R

    Friends of NRA fundraising banquet - Utah Valley

    2013 Banquet - March 16th at UVU Ballroom Join us for the Annual Provo Friends of NRA banquet. This year's banquet will be held at the UVU Grande Ballroom on March 16th, 2013 starting at 5:30 pm. Win Guns * Live Auction * Silent Auction * Special Drawings * Limited Edition Firearms * Custom...
  8. R

    Cabela's change of policy

    After learning that they had changed their signs at the Lehi, Utah Cabela's, I contacted Cabela's Customer Relations to ask if there was a change of policy. The first reply I got tap danced around the question so I asked them to clarify. Here is the reply:
  9. R

    Cabela's no longer open carry friendly.

    After learning that they had changed their signs at the Lehi, Utah Cabela's, I contacted Cabela's Customer Relations to ask if there was a change of policy. The first reply I got tap danced around the question so I asked them to clarify. Here is the reply:
  10. R

    Oregon gun owners organization

    Is there any organization in Oregon that is serious about working toward sane carry laws in Oregon? I have been following this forum for several years and cannot recall seeing anything discussing changing Oregon gun laws. I have a great love for Oregon since spending a lot of time there as a...
  11. R

    Aftermarket stocks covering serial number

    I don't know if this is the right place to ask or if anyone here can shed some light on this question. I have a browning Hi-Power and am looking at putting on the Houge aftermarket molded rubber stock with the wrap around finger groves. I love the feel and fit but it covers the serial number. Is...
  12. R

    I-70 travel

    In a couple of days I will be traveling through Colorado along I-70 and would like to make a few sight seeing stops with my grand kids. Here in Utah I OC 99% of the time. What places along that route do I need to make sure I conceal?
  13. R

    OCDO UCC dinner neetup February 25

    The meetup will be February 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at Big Bones Barbecue in Spanish Fork. Check out their web site for a map. Please let me know how many will be attending so they can be prepared.
  14. R

    Support HB49

    It is time to start telling your state representatives to co-sponsor and/or support HB49 AS FILED: "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah: 37 Section 1. Section 76-10-532 is enacted to read: 38 76-10-532. Possession of firearms or...
  15. R

    Naked in Texas

    Visiting in Houston and feeling naked. It really is a shame that a state that so fiercely claims independence has such draconian gun laws to keep the people in bondage.
  16. R

    What constitutes "loaded"?

    Does anyone have any case law defining when a firearm is considered "loaded" in Idaho? I have searched the Idaho Code and cannot find a definition. Thanks
  17. R

    State Fair

    Any OC experience at the State Fair yet? I'll be OCing on Saturday and am just looking for any heads up on what to expect this year.
  18. R

    We need to get on board and support this

    I just came across HB 424. It clarifies that carrying a firearm absent other threatening action is not a violation of several statutes including disorderly conduct and interfering with school activities. Right now, it is held up in the House Rules Committee.
  19. R

    Great quote

    "A gun is just a tool, no better and no worse than the man holding it." -- Adam Cartwright (Bonanza, Jack Knife)
  20. R

    4 Walmart employees fired after disarming gunman caught shoplifting

    http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=14319284 4 Walmart employees fired after disarming gunman caught shoplifting "The four Layton Walmart employees felt it was mission accomplished. Police officers told them they had done everything right. "But a week later, all four were fired from...