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Search results

  1. BlueSquid

    The Anti's are trying to claim an Anti Month - House Res. 541

    https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-resolution/541/text I'm not the brightest political mind, but seems like just another excuse to spout their rhetoric. Hope this doesn't gain traction.
  2. BlueSquid

    Ruger LC9s

    Just a heads up for anyone that already owns or is interested in this gun. I noticed an issue with mine where the guide rod can become off center and prevent the slide from going fully into battery. This should only be a problem with the original stock, as newer ones have already been...
  3. BlueSquid

    To carry or leave it in the car?

    Had a situation occur today, not a bad one, but one that got me thinking...When you're out and about with your significant other and kids and you stop somewhere quick, where only you run in and the family stays in the car, do you take your gun with you or leave it in the car? Generally, I don't...
  4. BlueSquid

    Carry gun ideas for a small stature wife

    Hey all, considering putting off my next personal purchase so my wife can get a handgun since she's begun to show a good deal more interest in having one of her own. She's a small woman, 4'9" and 85-90lbs. She's not weak, but I'm worried she'll have trouble racking a new semi-auto during it's...
  5. BlueSquid

    Rampage: Capital Punishment...Anybody else seen this movie?

    A while back I was searching through the action section of Netflix and the title Rampage popped up. Given the subject matter (guy feels like an outcast, thinks he has something important to say, goes on shooting spree), I gave it a watch to see what kind of spin they put on the situation. It...
  6. BlueSquid

    New guy intro

    Hey all, Michigander transplant to the great Commonwealth of Virginia, by way of the Navy random dartboard-o-orders. Definitely not complaining, though, love it here so far, and it doesn't get much more 2A friendly than this. Was here for just about 9 months starting in 2013, was gone for 6...