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Search results

  1. O


    Still normal cheap-beer and cheese routine - OC every few days. Had one cashier, who recognizes me, ask if anyone has said anything yet. No other comments.
  2. O


    Not a lot of grocery options in Yelm, so Imma keep going and keep OC-ing till they speak with me directly. When they do, I'll ask "who exactly is *enforcing the law* when Yelm PD is not present?" Then I'll let them know that I was - untill now.
  3. O

    Custom AR-15 for Youth Shooting Sports Raffle

    Sigh. I say again: The "gun part" (which, per ATF regs, means the lower receiver) was manufactured by Aero Precision. One might presume that a company as large as Aero would have garnered the attention of the ATF by the end of the 1990's. I'm fairly sure they are fully compliant with all...
  4. O

    Custom AR-15 for Youth Shooting Sports Raffle

    Why thank you solus! Yeah, it's pretty neat! However... The LG was assembled by a friend. The "gun part", per ATF regs was manufactured by Aero. The prize for buying the winning ticket, was the "opportunity to purchase" said LG. Although it shouldn't even be federal government's business, per...
  5. O

    Custom AR-15 for Youth Shooting Sports Raffle

    Solus. This portion of your post from Jan 2, shows that YOU want to bring this to John, as a personal matter. Your post is implying that John should interpret Badkarma's post as a personal attack. How else could I perceive the above quote? To posit an answer to the last question (why?), perhaps...
  6. O

    Custom AR-15 for Youth Shooting Sports Raffle

    Wow! That is impressive! I think you managed to pick nearly every nit back on Jan 2! But what impresses me the most: After +9 days with no bite, you did manage to dig out another nit or two. Well done!
  7. O

    OC @ Seattle EMP??

    I know this has come up, but the forum search function is not helping me find the post... I assume the Experience Music Project has a no gun policy... Anybody know for sure? Thanks! OK