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Search results

  1. mobiushky

    Positive Open Carry Experience - Wild Wings n things

    My wife and I went to Wild Wings n' Things in Tikatnu commons for lunch the other day and of course I was open carrying. We ordered our food and sat down. Not many people in there at the time. The owner, didn't catch his name, stopped by the table and said: "I noticed you have a weapon there...
  2. mobiushky

    Minor incident at Debarr Wal-mart.

    I live in Eagle River, but we were down in Anchorage on a date away from the kids. Before we went home we needed to stop at Wal-mart for a few things so we went to the Debarr Wal-mart. We had made it to the check out line and the clerk just started ringing things up when there was some kind of...
  3. mobiushky

    Not a FanBoy

    Everybody is an expert about what others need...
  4. mobiushky

    Anybody carrying a long barrel revolver?

    I'm surprised no one has brought it up, but are we talking something like this? or the infamous Clint Eastwood... Sorry, thought it was funny.
  5. mobiushky

    highpoint firearms

    From your link proving "glocks blow up" I found this: http://www.gunslot.com/pictures/kaboom You might want to rush over there and call them racists for showing a picture of a Hi-Point blown up in what is obviously supposed to be an only glocks blow up search... here's the picture if you...
  6. mobiushky

    Magpul announces final plans to leave Colorado...

    It's funny but I've actually read some people commenting that Magpul was bluffing and they are mad because they claim Magpul never intended to leave CO. Mostly it's from people out of state. Well, to those who didn't believe it: http://www.magpul.com/move Can we stop claiming they were...
  7. mobiushky

    Glock made in Austria VS made in USA?

    You do know that doesn't matter right? It's not the big "AUSTRIA" on the slide that tells you where it was made. Only way to tell is to look for the Austrian proof marks on the slide and barrel. If those marks are there, you have a Glock made in Austria. Otherwise, it was "made" in the US...
  8. mobiushky

    Time to start arguing Alaska laws....

    UPDATE: I misread the statute and I now believe I was thinking wrong based on BrianB's explanation below. But I want to leave this here just to show what I was thinking at the time: I'm in the middle of moving to Alaska, finally. So being the codes and laws geek I am I reading the current...
  9. mobiushky

    Magpul Freedom Festival - June 19, Infinity Park, Glendale, CO

    http://freecolorado.net/ FREE COLORADO MISSION: Engaging in targeted actions to reverse Colorado laws that imperil the rights of law-abiding firearm owners; and ensuring that no other State passes such reckless government regulation. JOIN US FOR THE FAREWELL TO ARMS FREEDOM FESTIVAL...
  10. mobiushky

    Couple of questions from a Coloradan

    I pretty much read up on the laws RE guns in AK, so I'm not real concerned about that. Besides I have a concealed carry permit that is recognized in AK anyway just in case. Here's my deal. I'm likely coming up to AK in a month or so for work. Sounds like if it all goes smoothly I'll be...
  11. mobiushky

    Ruger SR22PB review for GTShooter

    I forgot to post this over the weekend. I did finally get a chance to take the little Ruger SR22PB out to the range. Had to go to an indoor range due to time constraints. So far I've had about 300 rounds through it. Overall impression: I'm in love. Seriously this pistol is a dream to shoot...
  12. mobiushky

    Interesting article about "the best caliber" debate.

    So I just found this article and I thought it was really fascinating. http://www.usconcealedcarry.net/2012/07/17/choosing-best-caliber-concealed-carry/ I make no bones about the fact that I carry 9mm and am 100% comfortable in it's ability to protect me. I don't care what anyone else says...
  13. mobiushky

    More misinformation from the local media...

    I'm telling you, the more I hear from the media on this subject the more I realize they don't get a whole lot right. On 850KOA this morning, they reported that CHP applications in Boulder have tripled since the theater shooting. In the same report the lady said "applicants must wait a minimum...
  14. mobiushky

    Shipping Firearms to Colorado...

    Here's the set-up. My brother is going to ship me my dad's old 12Ga pump shotgun. This is a skeet shooting style shotgun. Don't remember the brand/model but I do remember it's probably got a 28" barrel and a 2+1 capacity max. It's probably pushing 30+ years old by now. I'm struggling to get...
  15. mobiushky

    Have you been thanked for OC?

    I know some of the posters her have been. I had never been actually thanked until yesterday. I was at Wal-mart with my middle daughter. As we checked out a lady tapped my shoulder and asked if we were going to keep our cart, she wanted to use it during her check out. She then said, "Oh and...
  16. mobiushky

    Firearms in hospitals...

    So some of you may or may not know, but my wife was in the hospital since last Friday. Long story, not the point. The day we went I read a sign on the door (have since seen many on every door) that says something to this effect: "No weapons (including guns or knives) allowed in this building...
  17. mobiushky

    At least in Colorado they just violate our rights...

    "Police Kill Wrong Man During Search..." http://video.foxnews.com/v/1736818979001/ What blows me away is, they did not identify themselves as police. What would you have done if that was your house. Some unknown person banging on the door at 1am? Sure that's normal.
  18. mobiushky

    Just ordered Gun #2!

    With it's big brother.... Aren't they so cute together... ROFL!!!
  19. mobiushky

    Just ordered Gun #2!

    Left side...
  20. mobiushky

    Just ordered Gun #2!

    Ok so I couldn't wait. Right side...