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Search results

  1. S

    Erie OC Dinner News Footage from June 12th, 2008

    imported post this was a great dinner, with great people and great food. the news showed up, and did a pretty positive piece... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHJGuyrz8IU
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    Saw an insulting but kinda funny cartoon from the SLC Tribune

    imported post In the Erie Times News yesterday, there was a surprising cartoon in the editorial section that was from the SLC Tribune It was a drawing depicting a man open carrying a firearm with an NRA hat on and a shirt that said, "Open Carry is my God-given right," and he was being carried...
  3. S

    Evolution of Open Carry

    imported post I have been watching these boards for almost three years now, and I cannot tell you how excited I am to watch the progress being made by the members here. Virginia has been at it awhile, but open carry exposure in other states had been nearly stagnant until OpenCarry.org members...
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    Tonight, PAFOA & OpenCarry.org Fellowship Dinner 7PM Erie, PA

    imported post Our second dinner is taking place tonight @ 7PM. I should have posted this much earlier, just forgot :cry: A sizable group from PAFOA will be in attendance, along with JET-TV 24 (only filming outside, not inside). The dinner will be held @ 7pm at Max and Erma's in Erie, PA off...
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    Say goodbye to Loaded Unincorporated Carry

    imported post Lawmaker targets gun ‘loophole’ The California Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday approved a bill being carried by State Sen. Jack Scott that would prohibit carrying a loaded firearm while in a vehicle in unincorporated areas of the state. Incorporated cities already...
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    Erie Open Carry news video!

    imported post http://yourerie.com/media_player.php?media_id=5996
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    OpenCarry.org and PAOpenCarry.org News Coverage

    imported post VIDEO: http://yourerie.com/media_player.php?media_id=5996 Our dinner was a complete success, only to be topped off with two interviews -- one of myself and one of Michele from PAFOA on Action News 24. Not only did they cut to the OpenCarry.org home page, but also cut to Pa...
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    "Unauthorized Armed Parading"

    imported post Could a police officer legally cite you for open carrying under paramilitary statutes that specifically criminalize unauthorized armed parading?
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    Open Carry Dinner - Late December?

    imported post Haven't read of any PA members holding any communal dinners. How can we make this happen? Any folks clustered close enough together that we can make this into a reality?
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    OC without retention -- Irresponsible?

    imported post To preface... I am at work and am procrastinating, dreaming of firearms and hunting... I got to wondering, do ya'll feel that openly carrying a firearm without at least a thumb break holster is irresponsible or reckless? Don't get me wrong, I am in the camp that it is your right...
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    Stopped and Questioned by Unarmed Police in Rehoboth Beach

    imported post As some of you know, I had planned on vacationing in Rehoboth Beach this week. Well, I finally returned and I apologize for not giving updates while I was there but my laptop was not cooperating. I was walking the boardwalk by myself around 7:30pm on Tuesday night when I was...
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    Open Carry in Erie

    imported post Hello, I post here infrequently, but would like to chronicle where I openly carry my firearm in Erie, Pennsylvania. As some of you may remember, I recieved a poorly written email from the Sheriff of Erie saying that I might get "laid out on the ground" if I openly carry my...
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    Dan Sayers Open Carry Case DISMISSED!

    imported post ....and I am days too late :lol:
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    imported post Thank you for everything you are doing for our community. If it wasn't for people like you, our constitutional rights would erode faster than Niagara Falls.