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Search results

  1. M

    Nation's Gun Show, Chantilly, VA. Fri, Sat, Sun, July 28-30

    Nation's gun show is at the Expo Center in Chantilly, Friday through Sunday, July 28-30. Great opportunity for a meet up, if anybody is so inclined. Numerous restaurants in the area. My wife and I will be at our table (Discover Shooting) in the back of the main hall near the ladies room. I...
  2. M

    SCOTUS refuses to hear appeal of Wollard case

    SCOTUS has refused to hear the appeal of the Wollard case. MD's 'good and sufficient reason' limitation stands. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/227812121.html
  3. M

    MD delegate beaten and robbed

    Saw this news item a few minutes ago. This apparently happened last week sometime. To keep this relevant to open carry, I'll point out that Delegate Swain, the apparent crime victim in the article below, voted FOR SB281 and is no friend of gun owners, certainly no supporter of the carry of...
  4. M

    Our neighbors in Maryland have won a victory!

    A victory in Maryland! "Good and sufficient reason" is unconstitutional! Federal judge rules MD's "good and substantial reason" requirement to obtain a concealed handgun permit is unconstitutional. Granted summary judgement to plaintiff Wollard. A thread is already going on the MD page here...
  5. M

    Instructor question

    I have relatives who live in MN and have asked me about concealed handgun permit requirements, including training. I've looked at the MN website and see that an instructor must be "...certified as a firearms instructor within the past five years by an organization or government entity that has...
  6. M

    Is JR's Stockyard restaurant gun friendly?

    imported post Republicans are having an event at JR's Stockyard restaurant in Mclean/Tysons Corner this week. Trying to find out if the place is gun friendly WITHOUT calling them and asking. They're not listed on the VCDL gun unfriendly page, and are not on the NRA's gun unfriendly page. I've...
  7. M

    Looking for an attorney in NC

    imported post A friend from my church in Virginia ran into some problems in NC. I'm not going to try to explain 3rd hand what happened, as I became aware of his problems when events were far along. Bottom line is he needs to get in touch with an attorney knowledgeable about NC gun law. NC...
  8. M

    Are you capable with your off hand?

    imported post If you've ever taken any serious firearms training, you were taught to prepare and practice with your off hand. Why? Your gun hand might become unusable in a fight. Well, I've given this advice some serious consideration over the years. I'm somewhat ambidextrous, but shoot...
  9. M

    Pro-2nd Amendment opinion in Northwest Current newspaper

    imported post Check out the pro-2nd Amendment "Viewpoint" reader opinion on Page 9 of the July 9th edition of the Northwest Current newspaper. Here's a link: http://www.currentnewspapers.com/admin/uploadfiles/NW%20July%209%20Pgs.%201-22%201.pdf It certainly is nice to see an opinion that...
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    DC City Council holds public roundtable on Heller's impact

    imported post Councilmember Phil Mendelson, Chairman of the DC City Council Committee on Public Safety and the Judiciary is holding a public roundtable on the impact of the Heller ruling on the District. The hearing is scheduled for: Wednesday, July 2 2008,12:00 p.m. Room 412, John A. Wilson...
  11. M

    Gun - Dealership offers free gas or gun with new car: 80% choose gun

    imported post My wife found this article (link below) on the internet today: "Dealership offers free gas or gun with new car: 80% choose gun" http://tinyurl.com/4udlb9
  12. M

    DC Mayor, and Police Chief Announce New Anti-Gun Plan

    imported post Oops. Topic/Post got duplicated. Sorry.
  13. M

    DC Mayor, and Police Chief Announce New Anti-Gun Plan

    imported post This latest stupid, totalitarian move by DC Government officials seeks not only to violate 2nd Amendment rights, but also 4th Amendment rights. Be sure to read the comments about the article, too. More and more comments keep appearing -- nearly all of which deride this latest...
  14. M

    Virginia AG to Ask High Court Rule on Right to Own Guns

    imported post This just came out on WTOP and News Channel 8: http://wtopnews.com/?nid=600&sid=1313186 http://www.news8.net/news/stories/1207/481753.html And, look at the source of the article...The Roanoke Times!
  15. M

    DC Attorney General Resigns.

    imported post No reason given for the resignation. Not sure how it impacts the DC-v-Heller case. Here are some news posts relating to the resignation. I'd like to think she didn't want to be on the losing end of that case, but that's perhaps wishful thinking on my part. News Channel 8...
  16. M

    Jeannmarie Devolites-Davis flyer states gun position: Chap supports guns rights, she doesn't

    imported post I just recieved a flyer in the mail from Jeannemarie Devolites-Davis. Tried to upload images of the flyer, but couldn't. The entire message of this flyer is that Chap has a consistent voting record supporting guns rights and she doesn't. Now this isn't quite true, as Chap goes...
  17. M

    Expert on mass violence takes issue with presidential task force report on VA Tech shootings

    imported post Great response to federal report on VA Tech massacre. Link to complete article: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/6/20/112817.shtml?s=ic A few excerpts: "A leading expert on mass violence has taken issue with a presidential task force report delving into the Virginia Tech...
  18. M

    Governor Kaine wants legislature to change guns laws

    imported post Article in Washington Examiner states that Governor Kaine wants the legislature to change Virginia gun laws in response to VA Tech murders. Kaine is not specific about changes he would have legislature make, but states that he is "troubled" that the VA Tech killer was able to...
  19. M

    DC Town Hall Meeting on Public Safety

    imported post Any DC residents who are not going to be at the Manassas City Council meeting held, unfortunately, on the same night might find this of interest. It was scheduled before the VT murders. DC of course completly prohibits open carry, concealed carry and has banned handgun and...