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Search results

  1. L

    Festival of the Horse

    OC'd at the Festival of the Horse in Georgetown with my family. Great food, great parade! No hassles from the public or LEO--pretty smooth sailing. Only one conversation with a vendor. He asked how long I had my carry license and I informed him of our rights in KY. He was very friendly but...
  2. L

    Restore the Fourth

    I know this is a firearms forum, but I thought I would help get the word out about the Restore the Fourth Rally going on in Louisville on July 4th. You can read about the movement on the provided link. I will be OCing at this event on Thursday. https://www.facebook.com/events/201778733309852/
  3. L

    Red River Gorge

    I open carried this weekend in Red River Gorge--great weather and a lot of fun. Yesterday, the Wolfe County Sheriff was conducting a traffic stop looking for intoxicated drivers. I let him know that I had a gun on my hip. "Yeah, I know, I see it," was his reply. He looked at my license and...
  4. L

    5/3 Bank

    Our 5/3 bank here in Georgetown had a "No Weapons" sticker on their front door provided, ironically, by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce. Last year I emailed corporate about if this decision was made by the bank manager or if it was corporate policy. Their reply follows: Thank you for...
  5. L

    Guns Across America

    We had a great showing considering the cold weather today. I think we had around 75 people--though people came and went as the event went on. Saw Gutshot and Liberty4ever--don't know if any others were out there. We had several good speakers. KY Bills to Support: HB 168...
  6. L

    More Anti-Gun Legislation

    This bill is in the senate and already has 6 sponsors: http://legiscan.com/KY/bill/SB92?utm_campaign=rss&guid=5iweZE5TcxXpOzfvD1lmNI
  7. L

    Another HL Gun Article

    I confess I didn't read every single word, but this seems like a very well written, well researched article on KY's preemption law. I'm glad that our government agencies are being exposed by the media and being held accountable. I can't help but think, however, that they (HL) is trying to rile...
  8. L

    Proposed Anti-Gun Legislation

    Just came across this article today: http://www.lex18.com/news/lawmakers-proposing-measure-to-reduce-gun-violence/ I don't think the bill has left committee yet, and don't know if it will. I don't think it has much chance of passing the House or any chance of passing the Senate. Nevertheless...
  9. L

    Castle Doctrine in Georgetown

    Just read this headline: http://www.lex18.com/news/georgetown-man-shoots-burglar/ I don't believe that the Castle Doctrine was ever intended to be used offensively. Although the details aren't clear yet, I think that this is a good example of the use and the importance of the CD.
  10. L

    Scott County Courthouse

    The Scott County Fiscal Court would apparently prefer citizens to openly carry their firearms are there are ordinances against CC. A friend and I were OCing at our county's Republican convention. He got there first and apparently had a run in with a couple deputies. They asked him to leave...
  11. L

    Which path to take?

    Two stories in the news this morning: http://www.lex18.com/news/armed-woman-thwarts-burglary/ and http://www.lex18.com/news/another-shooting-in-lexington/ One party was prepared, the other was not. One situated ended OK, the other did not.
  12. L

    What say you?

    I read this comment in a forum and was wondering what you all thought. I am from KY and am unfamiliar with NC law. http://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/kyg3n/the_perils_of_open_carrying_in_nc/c2o9tj0
  13. L

    Gun Rights Rally

    http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182581608477543 Saturday, October 8th, 1pm-4pm, Capitol Grounds Local, State and National pro Second Amendment speakers. Office holders and candidates. This is an armed, open carry event. Speakers include; Bill Johnson, candidate for Kentucky Secretary of...
  14. L

    This just in: Paducah agrees to obey the law

    Imagine that, huh. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/K/KY_PADUCAH_PARKS_GUNS_KYOL-?SITE=KYGNG&SECTION=STATE&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT This is a victory for the people. If our government is so adamant that The People obey the law, The People should expect the same from their government. Thanks...
  15. L

    My RRG Experience

    I went camping and hiking with my friends this weekend in Red River Gorge--about 3 of us were OCing. One of our vehicles broke down and we were waiting for AAA to get there. We were stuck for around an hour and during this period, we had 2 LEO interactions. 1st: A Menifee Co. Deputy stopped...
  16. L

    Capitol Carry in the News

    http://www.kentucky.com/2011/04/08/1701206/guns-routinely-being-brought-into.html I was annoyed but not surprised at the HL writing a news story about a non-event. They're simply trying to scare people with this article. 50 some people carried a gun during the legislative session and not a...
  17. L

    Self Defense Shooting

    http://www.lex18.com/news/man-shoots-kills-intruder/ INDEPENDENCE (AP) - Police in northern Kentucky say a man has fatally shot a neighbor who broke into his home and attacked a sleeping couple with a chair. Police in Independence didn't identify the shooter or the dead man after the incident...
  18. L

    Excessive Force?

    A Madison County man is suing another man after he was shot in the head when police say he was trespassing on the man's property. The shooting happened in November 2009 off Simpson Lane in Richmond. In a lawsuit, Charlie Harvey claims when he broke into John Fair's barn, Fair used excessive...
  19. L

    Local Armed Burglary Thwarted

    Armed Citizen Holds Thieves Until Police Arrive An vigilant armed citizen in Richmond caught two thieves red handed and held them at gunpoint until police arrived. Police say they got a call around 12:40 a.m. Monday on a report of a vehicle theft in progress along Bennington Court. When...
  20. L

    Boone County Carry

    Thought this was an interesting article. I wish it was more specific. I don't know if they are reconsidering whether or not to allow CC in public buildings or on public property in general. Certainly the latter may not be regulated...